Christopher will direct day-to-day operations.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》We also have to manage day-to-day operations, and it's not an easy task.
Jobs has handed day-to-day operations to Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook.
In part this is because it takes so much risk in its day-to-day operations.
Weiner was previously a Yahoo Inc executive and he will oversee day-to-day operations.
An expression describing the act of a company using its own products for day-to-day operations.
Executives familiar with the joint venture say Danone has little influence on day-to-day operations.
Some companies try to avoid this fate by handing over day-to-day operations to professional managers.
This tutorial focuses on modeling business processes that represent your company's day-to-day operations.
Timothy d. Cook, 50, the company's chief operating officer, will run day-to-day operations, Mr. Jobs said.
Sonne recently handed off day-to-day operations to start a foundation dedicated to spreading his business model.
The former handles the day-to-day operations while the latter configures the services that are used by each Bank.
The majority of applications require easy-to-use UI elements to guide the user through a series of day-to-day operations.
The changes affect the day-to-day operations of an enterprise that touch both the manual and automated business processes.
Another area that needs to be put under the microscope is working capital, or the cash that gets tied up in day-to-day operations.
He shocked many by declaring in January that he would step aside at the tender age of 48 from the day-to-day operations of Alibaba.
In 2004 he was named the world's richest man, he currently lives in Switzerland and is retied from the day-to-day operations of IKEA.
Bosses often complain that they get bogged down in day-to-day operations, says Rajesh Chandy, a professor at the London Business School.
And in the country at large, where many businesses rely on the Banks to fund their day-to-day operations, the power still isn't flowing properly.
As during his prior medical leave in 2009, Timothy d. Cook, the company's chief operating officer, will run day-to-day operations, Mr. Jobs said.
Timothy D . Cook,苹果公司的首席运营官将负责公司每天的具体运营,2009年此人就在乔布斯休病假期间执掌苹果。
It's simply the nuts and bolts of how a business plans to generate revenue and profits. It details your long-term strategy and day-to-day operations.
The founder and wife wish to retire from the business while the sons, who manage day-to-day operations, would like to remain with the business if possible.
"Effective control" may mean actually controlling the day-to-day operations of the subsidiary, or providing the materials needed to manufacture the product.
In previous years, the Company had been financially supported by PIHI in order to enable it to carry out its exploration programme and day-to-day operations.
They cover most of the day-to-day operations of an organization, such as, purchasing, inventory, manufacturing, banking, payroll, registration, and accounting.
For day-to-day operations, I mostly work with the Eclipse environment, but the command-line version is handy for crontab (a UNIX utility for scheduling job execution).
We realize that our equipment plays a vital role in your day-to-day operations and we feel compelled to design and build rugged, top-quality equipment that is reliable.