Ammonium sulfate (a fertilizer) is also added.
Ammonium sulfate deposition were used to get kidney bean phytohemagglutinin.
A hydroxyl ammonium sulfate (has) accelerated phosphating process has been studied.
Methods Nickel ammonium sulfate intensified immunohistochemical SP technique was used.
方法采用硫酸镍铵增强显色的免疫组化S P法。
The main products are coke, coke oven gas, coal tar, light benzene, ammonium sulfate, etc.
The rough extract of Pinggu mushroom PPO was obtained by ammonium sulfate precipitation method.
The separating behaviors of gold in ammonium sulfate, potassium iodide and malachite green system are studied.
Protein in fermented broth was precipitated with ammonium sulfate and the active part was assayed by SDS-PAGE.
同时用硫酸铵分级沉淀发酵液中的蛋白,SDS - PAGE法分析有活性的蛋白组分。
The ferrous oxalate with crystal water was prepared with ferrous ammonium sulfate and oxalic acid in acid medium.
Flotation reagents is ammonium sulfate, sodium hexametaphosphate, copper sulfate, xanthate collectors BD, frothers QJ.
After decomposing the sample by dry method, dissolve the residue with sulfuric acid and ammonium sulfate, and test it.
The antigen-antibody complex here was precipitated with saturated ammonium sulfate solution in a final saturation 37.5%.
The shelves, with water per acre of topdressing ammonium sulfate 10 kg or less, the use of urea, need appropriate reduction.
Linsuanerqingjia, ammonium sulfate purification, packaging materials, chemical products (excluding hazardous chemicals) sales.
Also, an experiment is carried out on the ammonium sulfate recycle process, and appropriate process conditions are put forward.
A chemical fertilizer called ammonium sulfate is confirmed by tests to improve flotation recovery of gold from Wu-La-Ga gold ores.
The profitable approach, as demonstrated by Ford, is to remove the sulfur during the coking process and sell it as ammonium sulfate.
Thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation of chitin with ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and concentrated sulfuric acid were studied.
High purity ovotransferrin was extracted from albumen by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and ion exchange chromatography in the study.
The synthesis process of potassium sulfate with ammonium sulfate recovered from industrial waste and potassium chloride method was studied.
Formed as a sublimate (mixed with ammonium hydrogen carbonate) when calcium carbonate and ammonium sulfate (or chloride) are heated together.
The main varieties include urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium acid carbonate, ammonium chloride, ammonium lime and ammonia water.
Under these conditions, the conversion of ammonium bicarbonate and the content of ammonium sulfate in productive solution were more than 97% and 35%.
在此条件下,碳酸氢铵转化率可达97%以上,产品溶液的硫酸铵浓度可达35 %以上。
Wet ammonia flue gas desulfurization(FGD) process offers an unique advantage of an attractive ammonium sulfate by-product that can be used as fertilizer.
Through experimental study of technological plan, the result shows that reclamation rate of sulphuric acid is above 90% and ammonium sulfate is above 70%.
Ammonium sulfate is also used as a fertilizer (although in much higher concentrations), but it only contains nitrogen but neither phosphorus nor potassium.
The research results are directive and with reference value for development of the new process of soda ash and ammonium sulfate co production by mirabilite.
Direct preparation of grade zinc oxide from zinc oxide ores or zinc bearing materials by using ammonium sulfate and ammonia leaching process has been described.