And he does, too, which must make it all the more enraging.
Memories of traumatic or enraging events can also trigger angry feelings.
Their headache comes from trying to save the euro without enraging their voters.
Last month, an American attack killed up to 90 civilians, enraging many Afghans.
And you thought the most enraging part of this was the inability to select a white model.
By killing off her brand-creating show and diluting her personal contribution across an entire network, she runs the risk of enraging her fans.
Whitaker knows, and let that, so Nature counsels, comfort you, instead of enraging you; and if you can't be comforted, if you must shatter this hour of peace, think of the mark on the wall.
But as a logical principle, it's akin to what I think of, perhaps unfairly, as the Burchill Fallacy: enraging people on both sides of an issue doesn't prove you "must be doing something right".