The capstone of the pyramid has been removed.
The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;
Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of 'God bless it!
This course serves as the capstone for the B. S. in economics only.
He is' the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.
The suspended rod may have conducted forces accumulated in the capstone.
The suspended rod may have conducted forces accumulated in the capstone ;
11he is "' the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone." '.
Of course, the way to do that is known only to the one who holds the capstone .
Then he can get started on the capstone of his projected trilogy, the Fool's Paradise.
The capstone of Hatha Yoga is strength, stamina and supreme control of the body functions.
Or it may consist of a capstone conference session following several weeks of online work.
A number of colleagues have pointed me at Joel Spolsky’s latest post, Capstone projects and time management.
很多同事向我推荐Joel Spolsky的新文章,Capstone项目与时间管理 。
Thus it was that 1915, the capstone year for his theory of relativity, ended with mixed emotions for Einstein.
It's a consortium of 15 universities, mostly in Canada, which are organizing joint senior-year capstone projects.
Which means, you are going to call Mr. Langdon and tell him to turn himself in, along with the pyramid and capstone.
The program consists of 45 credits which include the prerequisite, core, concentration, elective, and capstone groups.
The expectation was that dating, as with courtship, would ultimately lead to a relationship, the capstone of which was marriage.
Swimming around the capstone, which brown thought might have been lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside.
These are jobs at places like Capstone Turbine in California, which recently sold $2 million worth of high-tech energy equipment to Brazil.
这些工作分布在像加利福尼亚州的凯普斯汽车轮机这样的公司里. 凯普斯汽轮机公司最近对巴西出口了价值两百万美元的高科技能源设备.
The capstone project in this course is the Final Design Project in which each student designs a sailing yacht, complete in all major respects.
So Deuteronomy's content, which are these farewell speeches and the death and the burial of Moses, are a fitting capstone to the Pentateuchal narrative.
Since teaming up with Capstone, DGI has also created its own in-house advertising department as well as in-store boutiques to better showcase its products.
The capstone of the 100 days was the passage by Congress of the National Industrial Recovery Act — an omnibus proposal governing the whole range of industrial recovery.
100日内的顶点是国会通过了国家工业复兴法(National Industrial Recovery Act),这是一项管理整体工业复兴的综合性方案。
As the rays of sunlight strengthened, the golden glow engulfed the entirety of the thirty-three-hundred-pound capstone. The mind of man... receiving enlightenment.