By using flexible components, these screens will also become bendy.
That's why this research, which USES tiny strips of bendy wires, marries low power usage with the flexibility needed for skin.
For all these reasons, then, engineers have long dreamed of building chips out of something cheaper and more bendy-plastic, say.
At least not for long. because all it takes to turn a straight stretch of river into a bendy one is a little disturbance and a lot of time.
This heartbreaking picture shows a 60-year-old former Playboy model who has resorted to showing off her bendy body in a desperate attempt to raise cash.
The trick is to find the appropriate ways to combine rigid and flexible circuit elements-and to identify the most promising applications for the bendy sort.
The Royal Society said that "aircraft designers are unlikely to stop using rigid wings anytime soon, but for small micro-air vehicles, bendy wings might just be the next big thing."