Patients fared better and avoided costly emergency room visits, hospitalizations and other major medical episodes.
Becoming protected against the disease at an earlier age could reduce the number of emergency room visits made by families.
Syncope is a common and concerning medical problem, which accounts for 3% of emergency room visits and up to 6% of hospital admissions.
According to the researchers, lack of hospice services in Canada contributes to Ontario's higher rates of hospital and emergency room visits and in-hospital deaths.
The researchers also looked at the phases of the moon because it's widely believed that a full moon can increase the number of accidents and emergency room visits.
Asthma accounts for a quarter of all emergency room visits in the U.S., but a sensor developed at the University of Pittsburgh may finally cause that number to plummet.
Research shows spikes in cardiac deaths, emergency room visits, and hospital admissions in the hours and days that follow a spike in cities' levels of particulate matter.
Although expensive, allergy shots may not cost more than the combined cost of medicine, doctor and emergency room visits, and missed days of school or work over several years.
The study found a 37 percent increase in emergency room visits for people with symptoms of heart failure during a three day period of dense smoke exposure and the following five days.
The number of drug-related emergency-room visits in the United States now exceeds 2 million per year for illegal drugs and nonmedical use of prescription drugs.
And in Pennsylvania, Heritage Valley Health System will soon join the ranks of hospitals using check-in kiosks for emergency-room visits. Simply touch the image of the human body where it hurts.
并且,在宾夕法尼亚州,Heritage Valley健康系统不久将会进驻医院,它通过检查终端来观察患者的病况,仅需要简单的模拟触碰虚拟人体的患处。
He acknowledged an increase in emergency-room visits, but he said his preliminary information indicated that there were more people who were worried rather than seriously ill.
Visits to the emergency room due to allergies doubled from 1997 to 2002.
As you could see in our video, when people visualize peace, also crimes against people decline, traffic accidents decline, emergency hospital room visits decline, and stock market sore.