The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public's discontent with the government.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》He seems discontent with his job.
She seems discontent with her salary.
In our daily life, we might be discontent with so many things.
We are strongly discontent with the US for the signing of the Act.
The on-line forum provides a public way of sharing this discontent with others.
Dan was discontent with his Spanish mark; he had expected at least 10 point more.
Nonetheless, certain indicators pop up occasionally that signal discontent with this trend.
Even less does it need fiery Utopia builders spreading discontent with dreams of a better future.
So we suffer from what Wilson calls discontent with super abundance — the confusion of endless choice.
They find great satisfaction in their work, but register profound discontent with the way their firms are run.
Public discontent with Mr Lee and low approval ratings for his Grand National Party (GNP) have emboldened the opposition.
For instance, discontent with your work might feel acceptable because you have to make money and care for your family.
And since many disputes stay out of court, the well of discontent with outsourcing is surely deeper than the legal record shows.
It is they who rebuke most impressively the sullenness, the ingratitude, the discontent with which many good gifts of God are received.
As human is always discontent with present condition and seeks perfection, so good life means a life condition that is better than real life.
Today, we are walking out of your class, economics 10, in order to express our discontent with the bias inherent in this introductory economics course.
HotJobs survey points to a similar conclusion: 43% of workers said discontent with their boss was the main reason they planned to look for a new job in 2008.
The ship's small crew, frustrated and discontent with their lives in deep space try to complete a successful mission, but the ship has ideas of it's own.
He also expressed his discontent with ESPN's coverage of the Heat's training camp, making fun of both ESPN and reports that LeBron looked "fierce" in practice.
A recent survey points to a similar conclusion: 43% of workers said discontent with their boss was the main reason they planned to look for a new job in next year.
Sir Ian's departure and a bizarre police raid on Parliament in November have stirred things up, but discontent with the men and women in blue is much more deeply rooted.
The result indicates: Undergraduates possess such psyche characters as discontent with current condition, having ideality, strong self-consciousness, but weak in collective consciousness.
Discontent with this secular tendency, Russian philosophy relives the theme of religiousness of philosophy, which is embodied not only by its problem awareness but also its unique method.
Four decades after his death, the visage of Che Guevara survives him as a symbol of passion, idealism, and restless discontent with the status quo. In fact, as time passes, his celebrity grows.
We, of course, need to pay attention to youngsters who are filled with discontent and hostility, but we should not allow these extreme cases to distort our view of most young people.
Do not feed people who insult you with comebacks or satisfy them with your discontent.