The Band is titled Black Jack Johnson.
You love Las Vegas, slot machines, and black jack.
Black Jack programs can provide coefficients for popular counting systems.
The horse was named after a famous general known as "Black Jack" Pershing .
This is like playing black jack in Las Vegas, you are betting against the house.
He also liked playing Black Jack on the annual trips we would take to Vegas as I got older.
Sometimes a horse without a rider also takes part in a funeral. The best known rideless horse was Black Jack.
The BLACK JACK in the medical students to focus, original era in the form of "story about why he would become unlicensed doctors" in-depth description.
本剧以BLACK JACK的医学生时代为焦点、以原创故事的形式对“他为什么会成为无证医生”进行深入描写。
Produced by a Japanese Tezuka fans. It is an analysis report of "Tezuka Osama Complete Manga Works". A list of all 242 "Black Jack" stories is included.
由日本的手冢迷创作,对「手冢治虫漫画全集」的内容作全面分析,网页还包括「 怪 医 秦 博士」242个故事的清单。
Another Japanese page listed out all 242 Black Jack stories. But this list also includes the actual money received by Kuro Hazama in each story. It is a very special list.
It was the vote that launched a thousand editorials: the charismatic young black senator was compared to Jack Kennedy, Martin Luther King and even Ronald Reagan.
The black Mercedes was gone, the missile launcher stashed in its trunk still a threat to innocent lives. Yet Jack was compelled to thrust that dilemma aside for the moment.
Jack was also clad in airport maintenance overalls. His black combat chukkas, however, were standard-issue military.
Jack met Obama, she recalls, through a friend of a friend who thought he'd make a good subject for her black-and-white portraits.
Far below, Jack could see the winking lights of the Borough of Queens spread out before him, a muted golden glow against a purple-black evening sky.
It mattered to Americans who claimed that distinction, as proved all too clear in 1908, when Jack Johnson, a black man, won the title.
1908年,一个黑人Jack Johnson赢得拳王头衔,再明白不过地证明了自己的强悍。但在美国人眼中这却是个大麻烦。
My main primary opponent was Lonnie Turner, the Ozark lawyer I'd worked with on black-lung cases back in 1975, after his partner, Jack Yates, died.
There is candy and trick-or-treating, of course, and lots of pictures of black cats, witches riding broomsticks, skeletons and jack o 'lanterns.
There is candy and trick-or-treating, of course, and lots of pictures of black cats, witches riding broomsticks, skeletons and jack o’lanterns.
By the end of the original Kung Fu Panda, Po (Jack Black) had proved himself as the new Dragon Warrior and, ergo, the most awesome martial-arts bear the world has ever known.