The main purpose of our study is to use such material in photoelastic-plastic stress analysis.
Design by Rule, Design by Analysis, Elastic Stress Analysis, Limit Load Analysis, Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis.
Cai Kaike takes the billet surface reheating into account, and establishes a heat transfer and elastic-plastic stress model.
Then, the strain accumulation model of EPFC growth is presented based on an analysis of elastic-plastic stress and strain at the crack-tip.
The equation of lateral disturbance used to analyize the problem is developed by taking into account the effect of elastic-plastic stress wave.
The Cam-clay model has widely been used in the last decades which described the main features of soil elastic-plastic stress-strain relationship.
The elastic-plastic stress and displacement fields of cylindrically orthotropic composite thick-walled tube under uniform radial pressure are studied.
For the isotropic plastic material, the anisotropic plastic stress fields at a slowly propagating crack tip become the perfectly plastic stress fields.
Using the theory of thermal elastic-plastic stress, this paper calculates the residual stress distribution in the heavy welded I-section by finite element method.
The effects of case parameters on the distribution of elastic-plastic stress hi railhead are analyzed including lateral displacement, gross rail load on axle and constrained conditions of rail bottom.
To simulate aging, the same bees were then placed in plastic tubes and exposed to a high-oxygen environment, a metabolic stress test.
The cumulative plastic strain energy increases with the increase of the loading frequency and stress level, which is linear with fatigue life on semilog coordinate.
The elastic range, the plastic range (during which the material flows at a constant stress), the strain-hardening range, and the range during which necking occurs, terminating in fracture.
Distributions of stress and particle velocity in the elastic unloading region behind the plastic shock wave are given as well.
Plastic deformation concentrates at the ferrite area under the tensile stress es.
The paper has studied straightening stress and residual deformation of circular shaft by using elastic - plastic theory, deueloped calculation formula of straightening loud in given deflection error.
Special instances of plastic flow are cold flow, which occurs in vulcanized rubber after low stress has been continuously applied for a long time, and creep of metals.
If, when the stress is removed, the deformation remains, the material is said to exhibit plastic flow.
An adiabatic shear band formed along the main shear stress around the penetrated hole is approximately consistent with the direction of plastic deformation slip lines in static state.
Therefore, the effects of static hydraulic stress and Plastic deformation on Plastic densification can theoretically be Proved.
Pure elastic fracture is always rare, so th at under the action of stress, a plastic zone(large or small), and interactions between crack and dislocations always exist at the crack tip.
Based on the plastic flow theory of soils, an elastoplastic constitutive model for describing the stress-strain behavior of the saturated sands under the action of monotonic loading is developed.
A modification to the existing hardening function is proposed to reduce the mesh sensitivity of the plastic strain at peak stress.
Dispersion ranges of stress, displacement and plastic region of different coping thickness of wall rock of an underwater highway tunnel are simulated.
Only if this short crack extends long enough and blunted wide enough, can it affect the principal crack extension and the distribution of stress and plastic strain.
According to the engineering plastic theory the thermal stress on the cylinder are calculated and analyzed from the measured results.
The results show that the coatings with good application properties have larger apparent viscosity , higher yield stress , lower plastic viscosity and proper thixotropy at lower shear rate.
Plastic damage of ductile metals under complex stress depends on loading path.