This bum is an unemployed man in the slum.
In a 1940 book, "The Unemployed Man and His Family", described a family in which the husband initially reacted to losing his job "with tireless search for work".
In a 1940 book, "The Unemployed Man and His Family," described a family in which the husband initially reacted to losing his job "with tireless search for work".
在1940年出版的《失业的男人和他的家庭》(The unemployment Man and His Family)一书中,丈夫失去工作后的第一反应是“不知疲倦地寻找工作”。
An unemployed man in 1939 Illinois.
A millionaire may enjoy breakfasting off orange juice and Ryvita biscuits; an unemployed man doesn't.
An unemployed man, 29, has become one of Britain's youngest grandparents after his daughter gave birth at 14.
An unemployed man Shem Davies, 29, has become one of Britain's youngest grandparents after his daughter gave birth at 14.
An unemployed man, close and out of focus, partly obscures high-rise buildings being erected around a memorial square, dedicated to the region's iron industry.
一个近景而虚焦的工人肖像,部分遮挡了在纪念广场附近林立的高楼。 他曾为这个地区的钢铁行业做出贡献,现在已经下岗。
A former company man ager and an unemployed man were each sentenced to six months imprisonment for falsifying attendance records in order to deceive wages and allowance.
millionaire may enjoy breakfasting off orange juice and Ryvita biscuits; an unemployed man does not…When you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don’t want to eat dull wholesome food.
一个百万富翁可能会享用由橙汁、Ryvita饼干组成的早餐;一个失业的人不会。 当你吃不饱、疲倦、无聊、痛苦的时候,你不会想去吃乏味的健康食物。
An unemployed factory worker takes a job as a hit man to make ends meet.
Last year, we took a look at a survey in which Japanese women were asked who they'd rather date: a man who's ugly yet rich, or one who's handsome but unemployed.
Marshal Soult was reputed to be the man behind the scheme both for removing and using the unemployed foreign ex-soldiers.
An unemployed German man sold his six-year-old stepdaughter's pet beagle for a beer. He was desperate to quench his thirst. But in callous disregard he trampled the tender spirit of a child.