In doing so, they are using up natural resources at a fast rate.
Reading at a fast rate helps to gain more information and improve one's linguistic competence.
The library collection of about six million volumes in total, and each year is still increasing at a fast rate.
Of course, he does not read every piece of material at the same rate, but whether he is reading a newspaper or a chapter in a physics text, his reading rate is relatively fast.
The other is that they must be able to refresh their images at a rate fast enough to show moving pictures.
This happens at a rate of 125 million symbols per second-the same rate as Fast Ethernet.
The xev output is nonbuffered, which leads to seldom-used windows not filling the output buffer at a fast-enough rate.
xev 输出是非缓冲的,这会造成较少使用的窗口无法以足够快的速度填充输出缓冲。
In general, China can keep its exchange rate even with the dollar only by creating new money at as fast of a rate as the Federal Reserve creates dollars.
If you start at a too fast rate, you may be soon overwhelmed by the amount of obligatory work.
Anybody who's spent time in a fast-food business, watching meals get churned out at a hyper-fast rate, has probably felt a twinge of impatience once they leave.
Truly a river of ice, Antarctica's relatively fast-moving Byrd Glacier courses through the Trans-Antarctic Mountains at a rate of 0.8 kilometers [0.5 miles] per year.
She speaks at such a fast rate of speech that it's dizzying.
The point is that the population is aging at an extremely fast rate and that there is not a population of young people to replace and support the older generation.
She drove the car at a fast and furious rate.
He works at a very fast rate.
Add an eclipse to the mix (happily, a friendly one) and you will have a month that will move VERY fast, with events barreling toward you at rapid rate.
These workers produce at a very fast rate.
Dry matter accumulation showed a s curve at a slow-fast-slow rate.
My fellow workers work at a very fast rate.
Stress-strain curve at slow loading-rate obtained in alternating loading rate test is shifted along the unloading curves, and then it overlapped on stress-strain curve at a fast loading rate.