For the last three years, light shows on the Bund have been successfully held for New Year's Eve celebrations, but this year the light show was canceled and there were fewer police on hand.
The laser light show was born.
What a fantastic light show!
Various working conditions are light show.
If you go at night, you can see a sound and light show.
This “light show” features colorful ribbons of light in the night sky.
Light effect through out the Museum will be allowed through a light show.
Their product line included Way Way, Builder Builder, Light Show, and Musician.
Eat hot pot, we arrived at the Dinosaur Park, where it is being staged at Light Show.
At these times, people as far south as Central Europe and northern China can see the light show.
The spectacular spiral light show appeared in December 2009 in the sky above northern Norway.
A spectacular light show on Saturn has been captured in unique new photos of the ringed planet.
It was the most amazing light show I had ever seen, and that was before the shooting stars began.
It is. not a postcard landscape but a series of colorful splashes, a blinding psychedelic light show.
The moment my light was turned off, darkness would roll in and my own personal light show of the universe began.
"Liu Sanjie"tells the story of a Zhuang foklore through music, a light show and dence with hundreds of performers.
At night, its floodlit facades offer an unparalleled vantage point for marveling at the giant light show that is Pudong.
The walls of the ballrooms were covered with changing patterns of light, the beginning of the new art of the light show.
But scientists predicted that last Sunday's strong burst would bring the light show to slightly lower parts of the globe.
They had a good meal, said father and son went to his brother's aunt's house, and said that night to see the light show.
Be sure to be back in your rural idyll for sunset and then the evening light show; it can be dazzling, especially for those who live in a city.
When it exploded, it plowed into the cooler gases that had already been expelled, creating the brightest light show ever from a supernova.
People venture there for its beautiful scenery, majestic vistas and to witness its spectacular light show virtually every night of the year.
And at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, a digital light show set to contemporary music is called SonicVision: How Do You See Your Music?
A specially-commissioned light show charting the university's history kicked off the celebrations - which tied in with the start of a new term.
在新年新学期开始的时候,在剑桥校内,一场特别上演的灯光秀,标志着全年庆祝活动的开始。 曾在剑桥读书的名人照片,被灯光投影到剑桥的建筑上,构成了剑桥历史的精美画卷。
That's because the eye sees a light show created by oxygen atoms at lower altitudes, about 62 to 186 miles (100 to 300 kilometers) above the surface.
这是因为我们看到的是由氧原子在较低的天空形成的光线秀。距离地面约为62 ~ 186英里(100 ~ 300公里)。