Shortfalls like these have not been seen in more than 50 years.
The shortfalls on the current information from Internet about the pregnancy?
The US trade shortfalls with the European Union and Japan widened in February.
The shortfalls are particularly glaring when it comes to modern macroeconomics.
The supply shortfalls are expected to increase - to around 30 million kilowatts.
Analyze shortfalls to provide input to the plan phase of the next round of the lifecycle.
Supply shortfalls in grains and other foodstuffs have contributed to higher commodity prices.
Credit CARDS are not just a call to excess, but also a form of insurance against shortfalls in cash.
During a typical recitation we will debate merits and shortfalls of one or two recent science articles.
But there are 25 countries in this belt, and funding shortfalls jeopardize much-needed campaigns elsewhere.
The same thought has struck politicians in other Western countries, particularly ones with large budget shortfalls.
Leaving the Windows realm for Linux may create shortfalls in expert knowledge among the systems administrators.
Many other governors have taken similar approaches in the face of dire budgetary shortfalls and a sluggish economy.
The International Energy Agency and Saudi Arabia have promised to increase supplies in order to cover any shortfalls.
We are clear-eyed about the challenge of mobilizing collective action, and the shortfalls of our international system.
And dozens, perhaps hundreds, of "recovery projects" will not be completed because of shortfalls in federal financing.
The gap analysis points to the shortfalls of UML notation when capturing all of the functionalities provided by XML schemas.
差距分析针对的是 UML 符号在捕获 XML 模式所提供的全部功能时所显出的不足。
Right now, the U.S. is running huge shortfalls in both the current account and the federal budget-the so-called twin deficits.
Right now, the U. s. is running huge shortfalls in both the current account and the federal budget-the so-called twin deficits.
现在,美国正经受国际收支经常项目和联邦预算的不足- - - - -即所谓的双赤字。
WSC helps resolve all the above mentioned shortfalls for process integration by using WSDL as a base, extending functionality.
Performing a SWOT analysis for your business and for your competitors will tell you your advantages and your potential shortfalls.
Anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders can also cause serious nutritional shortfalls that can affect the health of your teeth.
This makes it troubling that many cities and states, struggling to make up budget shortfalls, have put schools on the chopping block.
Budgets are being cut from state-supported universities primarily because states are facing budget shortfalls of historic proportions.
Companies may also set aside more money for compensation at the beginning of the year, in order to avoid shortfalls, and ratchet back later.
Managers tend to see things one way and employees another, particularly when it comes to shortfalls in performance and the feedback we use to address it.
Generally speaking, one feature cannot be used to address shortfalls or problems in database design related to another feature. Notable examples include.
Some investors, haunted by the continuing credit crunch and unemployment fears, are being driven to pull money out of stock funds to make up budget shortfalls.