In a study published in Nature Scientific Reports, we reveal just how deep this injustice runs.
That research is in the journal Scientific Reports. G.
The work was published in the journal Scientific Reports.
The research was published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports.
The study is in the journal Scientific Reports. Julia D. Fine et al.
There are no known scientific reports on the pediatric use of devil's claw.
Compiling standards of academic papers and scientific reports are brought forward.
The course stresses field investigation of geomorphic phenomena and the writing of scientific reports.
A list of key references relevant to the site, including management plans, major scientific reports, and bibliographies.
Unattributed statistics were calculated from scientific reports by Noam Mohr, a physicist with the New York University Polytechnic Institute.
本文章中没有指明出处的统计数据由纽约大学理工学院的物理学家诺姆.莫尔(Noam Mohr)从科学报告中计算得来。
Several forces are at work: growing concern about obesity, alarming scientific reports about artificial sweeteners and soaring agricultural prices.
Read between the lines of most scientific reports on geoengineering and there is a tacit assumption that the idea sounds so extreme that merely discussing it will refocus efforts on emission cuts.
In the past ten years, for example, some scientific magazines have published reports of failed tests.
On this occasion, Scientific American reports, Morse signed his name along with the appendage, "One of the few immortal names/ That are not born to die.
We often see reports in newspapers and scientific journals that refer to distances of tens, to hundreds to millions — even billions — of light-years.
Web pages, scientific research reports, and other forms of natural language writing are best associated with the vector-space search method.
Interestingly, Page has seven direct reports now, the scientific number of things that humans can focus on at once.
To keep up with the latest news about bird flu, including the most important scientific developments, you can visit the Nature Reports Avian flu website and sign up for an RSS feed.
Make scientific presentations, publish reports, articles or popular texts for specialists, users or the general public.
Over 15 years of commercial production, a large body of evidence on the impacts of GM RR soy has emerged in the form of scientific research, on-farm monitoring, and expert reports.
Early next month the International Panel on Climate Change will produce the first of four key reports this year assessing the latest scientific knowledge on global warming.
The detailed writing requirements and presentation for nuclear scientific and technical reports are stipulated.
We usually get data from scientific experiments or, in a business environment, from our sales reports.
As one of language means to express ideas objectively, English passive voice is often seen in English news reports and scientific articles.
But the mechanism research of weight reduction is mostly limited to nucleus of hypothalamus. More scientific and specialized clinical research reports will be expected.
The concept of "beauty sleep" has acquired scientific backing, according to a Swedish study of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, the BBC reports.