1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-23 08:35:22


  • Next time, we'll delve into tr.


  • Listing 5. What has tr done?

    清单5 . tr进行了哪些工作?

  • TR: Test Representative (or member)


  • And that's about all tr can do.


  • TR: How can we fix the mess we are in?

    TR: 我们怎样才能摆脱这种混乱的局面呢?

  • Add adds new TCP TR policies to the system.

    add在系统中添加新的TCP TR策略。

  • Listing 11 shows how to use tr to translate Spaces to tabs.


  • Show displays all existing TCP TR policies defined on the system.

    show显示在系统上定义的所有现有TCP TR策略。

  • Just a handful are currently slower, such as tr, gsub, and unpack.


  • Optimize Tr by reducing the amount of information sent on the network.


  • Listing 7. Declaration of the tr: TheftReport element and related type.

    清单7 . tr: TheftReport元素和相关类型的声明。

  • Delete deletes existing TCP TR policies that are defined for the system.

    delete删除为系统定义的现有TCP TR策略。

  • Remember earlier we used the tr command to change blanks in text1 to tabs.


  • Also, when we use tr, we can avoid writing those pesky regular expressions.


  • Since tr is purely a filter, you generate input for it using the cat command.


  • Tr -bugs are always a problem, especially when trying to develop any kind of AI.

    Thomas Riegsecker:错误在所难免,特别是试着开发一种人工智能时。

  • Once in effect, these TCP TR profiles become the active policy governing connections.

    生效之后,这些TCP TR配置文件成为有效的连接治理策略。

  • The thead element has a single child node, tr, with three children - all th elements.


  • Simply hit the Escape key, press:, type 2, 4! Tr 'a-z' 'a-z', and hit the Return key.

    只要按一下escape键,然后按:键,再输入2,4 ! tr ' a - z ' ' a - z ',最后按一下return键。

  • Tr is the retrieval time for an object in the remote cache. This is dependent on.


  • The TR-55 served as the template for almost all the portable gadgets we use today.


  • TR -the first RPG I ever played was Ultima 2 on an Atari 800 computer, back in 1983.

    Thomas Riegsecker:第一款RPG是我在雅达利800电脑上玩的创世纪2,那还是1983年。

  • In this case I'm filling up a table, and the tr serves as a template for displaying each entry.


  • TR –I get asked this question a lot, and the truth is most of the work was done by just myself.

    Thomas Riegsecker:这种问题我之前被问过好多次,事实上绝大部分的工作都是我自己完成的。

  • Perl's tr statement has a slightly different syntax, more like sed's search and replace expressions.


  • Less than a year after they applied for a patent, the TR-55 came hurtling down the assembly line.

    申请专利未满一年,TR - 55成批投入生产线。

  • All of the table cells are wrapped within a table row (TR), which in turn is wrapped in a DIV element.


  • In that example we used the output from the cat command to create standard input for the tr command.


  • TR –I’ve just been a hobbyist for most of my life, working on video games or pen-and-paper RPGs in my spare time.

    Thomas Riegsecker: 大部分时间我只是一个游戏爱好者,有空时会做些电玩游戏或者纸画RPG游戏。

  • Probably some standard Unix shell tools like awk, sed, or tr could be used cleverly to get the precise output desired.

    也许可以聪明地使用一些标准的Unix shell工具,如awk、sed或者tr,以准确得到所需要的输出。
