You can also practise scanning for paraphrases of key words.
A pig farmer copies your novel, paraphrases and publishes it as his own.
It contains extensive paraphrases of readings, generally, but not always, clearly credited.
Part 4: paraphrases the facing challenges to the nowadays university and college students' belief education.
For the further studies, I will discuss them and offer the new paraphrases to explain the text in this paper.
Use a technique that suits you, e. g. write summaries, paraphrases or quotations on note cards, or separate sheets of lined paper.
This paraphrases a warning that cellphone manufacturers include in the small printthat is often tossed aside when a new phone is purchased.
This paraphrases a warning that cellphone manufacturers include in the small print that is often tossed aside when a new phone is purchased.
Mr. Hamilton went ahead anyway, and in 1986, Mr. Salinger took him to court to prevent the use of quotations and paraphrases from unpublished letters.
汉密尔顿最终还是写了这个传记。 1986年,塞林格把他告上法庭,以防止他从未发表过的信件中摘录片段或加以转述。
The largest class of Bad papers is the class of cut-and -paste collages. These are papers that are made up of direct quotes or close paraphrases of your sources.
The method first constructs a paraphrase corpus by automatically translating a bilingual parallel corpus into a monolingual parallel corpus, from which candidate paraphrases for words are extracted.