ObjectRecOffset gives the offset in bytes of the first record in the array of MQOR object records that contain the names of the destination queues.
The framework queries two sources of metadata: the Active Record model and a custom metadata file for each model object.
You should mark this constructor private so that you can't accidentally call the constructor and forget to record it in your object map.
A single record can be a video, a document content or all or subset of one item object metadata set (attributes).
Consider which intermediate object files you need to record in history.
The easiest way is to first query for the record you want to change, then load the record into an object.
It generates an HTML table with field names from the query result object as a header row, then each record listed subsequently.
If the record store is already open, this method returns a reference to the same record store object.
A dump creates a record of every object in the heap, how much memory it's using, and which objects are referencing it.
Therefore the typical practice of using data binding is to covert the EIS data (WBI record Object) to an SDO and vice versa.
A computer application creates an event object (a computer record) to signal or report the event.
When the enumeration object is allocated, it will call our search function to search the record store.
At this stage, the mock object is in record state - that is, you're simply defining the method calls it will expect along the way. So, the mock is recording expectations accordingly.
The write barrier's purpose is simply to record the change to how objects are linked together if this store could cause a live object to become hidden.
After you have the object in XML format, you can issue a regular SQL update statement to update the record in the table EMPLOYEE.
By using it, you avoid having to record actions to add the TestObject to the Object Map.
通过使用它,您可以避免不得不记录动作以向对象地图(对象地图(Object map))中添加testobject对象。
Create an input object of type Record and set the input parameters to the EIS function using the appropriate setter methods.
In the parameter area Object drop-down list, you should be able to identify the record you just modified.
The Adapter base classes send the Adapter-specific Record object to the Function Selector.
As you probably know, UNIX systems record an atime, or access time, for each object on the filesystem that gets updated every time a file is read.
In the interface in Listing 4, a Record object is passed in.
This consists of allocating an instance of our SearchFilter() class and associating this instance with a record enumeration object.
这个过程包括指派一个 SearchFilter() 类的实例,并把这个实例关联到记录枚举对象。
Using — show with an ID runs the SQL script to get the matching database record, creates an Automobile object that has the data, and displays the results to the console.
And the fourth and final change required is to bring the RMock mock object out of record state into ready state.
Before updating the record, we used optimistic concurrency control with the set entity object method.
For audit to understand how to print each object as a record to the audit log, it needs a corresponding entry in the /etc/security/events file.
为了让审计系统了解如何将每个对象作为一条记录输出到审计日志中,需要使用 /etc/security/events 文件中的相应条目。
Morphia automatically creates this field to record the type of the object in MongoDB.
32 bytes are required to record a lock on an object that has an existing lock held on it.