1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-11 12:10:24


  • "I grew up on the monkey bars in Fort Tryon Park, and I never forgot how good it felt to get to the top of them," Mr. Stern said.


  • “I grew up on the monkey bars in Fort Tryon Park, and I never forgot how good it felt to get to the top of them, ” Mr. Stern said.


  • "Compromise is but the sacrifice of one right or good in the hope of retaining another - too often ending in the loss of both." - Tryon Edward.

    妥协只不过是希望保留一种观点而牺牲一个对的或是好的- - -随着两者的丢失而结束太频繁了。

  • While Allison o 'steen, Tryon, N.C., loved her late mother, she says, her habit of ironing sheets isn't something Ms. O 'steen, a mother of two, wants to pass on.

    北卡罗来纳州两个孩子的母亲阿里森·奥斯汀(Allison o ' Steen)说,尽管她爱已故的母亲,但她却不想继承母亲熨床单的习惯。

  • While Allison O'Steen, Tryon, N. C. , loved her late mother, she says, her habit of ironing sheets isn't something Ms. O'Steen, a mother of two, wants to pass on.

    北卡罗来纳州两个孩子的母亲阿里森·奥斯汀(Allison O'Steen)说,尽管她爱已故的母亲,但她却不想继承母亲熨床单的习惯。

  • 1 pm - The Cloisters, a Metropolitan Museum of Art branch at Fort Tryon Park overlooking the Hudson River in northern Manhattan, offers free garden tours and medieval European art.

    修道院博物馆是大都会艺术博物馆位于俯瞰曼哈顿北部哈德逊河的崔恩堡公园的分部。 这里为你提供花园自由行,展示中世纪欧洲艺术。
