But John Pike, a defense expert who is director of GlobalSecurity.org, said he believes he has solved the mystery.
不过全球安全组织防务专家John Pike说他相信他已经解决这个谜底了。
This article from the active network system security point of view, aimed at designing a defense expert system model.
Prosecution and defense expert witnesses in DNA cases are arguably the most contentious and disparaging in the business.
Defense lawyers called just two witnesses, claiming they did not need to present expert testimony because U.S.Supreme Court precedent was on their side.
Defense lawyers called just two witnesses, claiming they did not need to present expert testimony because U.S. Supreme Court precedent was on their side.
He or she is neither for nor against one party in alegal proceeding, and everything the expert discovers or determinesis reported in court, whether it favors the defense or prosecutionarguments.
Some expert pointed out that the new security legislation has severely impacted young Japanese's recognition toward the Self-Defense Force, which may face difficult conscription as a result.
Defense lawyers called just two witnesses, claiming they did not need to present expert testimony because U. S. Supreme Court precedent was on their side.
John Collom was a British thinker on sea power and expert on imperial defense in the 19th century. He gave the first comprehensive exposition to the necessity and importance of Britain's defense.
This paper builds a firepower assignment model of aerial defense based on expert system, utilizing theory of artificial intelligence, simulating thoughts process of militarist.
Each evaluation contains an oral defense. There is where the student presents their topic to an expert evaluator for assessment and review.
As a part of the supervision of expert testimony, the internal defense mechanism is a basic way and an effective method to prevent false expert testimony.
This paper introduces the core algorithm of thesis oral defense system of university graduate, and puts forward a kind of conflict processing, the expert interrelated trace back method.
The key covered object in air defense is ensured; the collected value statistic method is used to deal with the interval index assessment data which is given by expert.
Rushdoony was frequently called as an expert witness by the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) in court cases.