Indeed, land leasing Shady Deal Case is the world know very secret.
The price of lease land use right actually belongs to the price of land leasing rights and interests.
In a clear demarcation premium, land leasing, or transferring money to the land price to pay 3% of Zanan housing prices.
The purpose of this paper is to quarry out the influence of land property rights on farmer households land leasing desire.
Immigrants could circumvent such exclusionary laws by leasing or purchasing land in their American-born children's names.
The land under wind turbines can be used for grazing cattle and other purposes, and leasing land for wind turbines can provide extra income for farmers and ranchers.
The application for housing land after selling or leasing houses shall not be approved.
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management had its first ever land-lease auction for geothermal resources, and it produced 57 leasing agreements.
Raul is trying to cut food imports by leasing land to private farmers.
At present Wyoming raises only about $3, 000 a year from the land by leasing it to a cattle rancher.
Allow the sale, leasing and demutualization of rural, collectively owned buildable land under the premise that it conforms to planning.
The project plans to be developed and constructed in the forms of venture, cooperation or joint-stock system through partial leasing of the land.
This paper probes into the essential issue of annual land renting and selling system and holds leasing system is its essence.
When leasing state-owned land by bid invitation or auction, the land user shall complete similar procedures required in the transfer of land use rights.
Article 2 the selling, leasing, transfer, subleasing and mortgage of the right to the use of collectively-owned land for construction purposes shall be governed by these Measures.
Article 2. The Regulations and these Procedures are effective with respect to the leasing and subleasing of urban State-owned land within the administrative areas of the city.
Article 5 the Shanghai municipal land and housing administrative department is the authority in charge of house leasing in this Municipality.