The Housekeepers are delivering the laundry right now.
Can you send up one of your housekeepers to make bed?
And it was not uncommon for priests of that time to have female housekeepers.
They will work as gas station attendants, firemen, housekeepers, and security personnel.
Housekeepers, by the way, usually have no idea who is occupying a particular room or suite.
Housekeepers perform the most physically demanding work necessary to operate a luxury hotel.
Our room hasn't been cleaned up yet. So would you send one of your housekeepers to clean up our room?
Yettaw is also charged with violating Suu Kyi's house arrest and faces the same penalty as the housekeepers.
The Housekeepers are delivering the laundry right now. They will come to your room soon. We're sorry for the delay.
While many Lebanese people are careful to ensure their housekeepers are well treated, a significant number abuse them.
But employers do not care: farmers want cheap Labour, and rich families need skilful foreign gardeners and housekeepers.
The people were fond of seafood and sun-bathing, were enthusiastic winakers, reluctant housekeepers and notoriously bad at ball games.
The people were fond of seafood and sun- bathing, were enthusiastic winemakers, reluctant housekeepers and notoriously bad at ball games.
The people were fond of seafood and sun - bathing, were enthusiastic winemakers, reluctant housekeepers and notoriously bad at ball games.
Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside the home, it's natural that they object to their husbands treating them like housekeepers.
You may regard this as some kind of love letter from your housekeeper …. as you know, housekeepers are not always as bad as their reputation.
One study of gossip showed that gossipers were concerned about women who are bad housekeepers, and women who are bad mothers, and women who are promiscuous.
South Korea is set to cleanse gender stereotypes from its school textbooks, where women have long been depicted as housekeepers and men as the breadwinners.
They work as gas station attendants, firemen, housekeepers, and personnel. Anyone wanting to understand the industry of the will have to know about robotics.
Our professional conference housekeepers and planning teams will arrange all sorts of banquet and conference for you to make sure every detail is as your wishes.
He had a public telephone service, so local housekeepers and delivery folk were constantly hovering around his little shop waiting for the phone and chatting with Old Liu.
Housekeepers are routinely accused by guests of stealing money from nightstands, making international calls from the room phones, rifling through luggage and pocketing jewelry.
For years, the city offered a so-called "Las Vegas dream" where housekeepers or kitchen workers could buy their own homes, afford annual holidays and send their children to college.
After receiving evacuation instruction, security officers will help housekeepers to evacuate guests. After evacuating all the persons in the hotel, security officer could leave hotel.