He is a party to the case or a near relative of a party;
The lotus, a near relative of the water lily, is such a plant.
Professor Smith is my near relative. Tom is a distant relative of mine.
If the party or its near relative refuses to sign, it shall be indicated in the list of disposal.
The morbidity of various inherited diseases and congenital monstrosity infants in near relative wedding sept was clearly higher than that in non-near relative wedding sept. ?CONCLU SION?
Indeed, on a relative basis, the return on a four-year degree is near its historic high. But that's largely because the prospects facing people without a college degree have been flat or falling.
It is crucial to consider the relative costs and delays involved in transporting in-kind donations, particularly if your company does not have locations near the emergency area.
The relative simplicity of creating Web pages with HTML led to its near universal adoption at the same time that the Internet infrastructure became widely available.
With the near future looking dim, rural families may find that it's their turn to help out a returning relative.
The method of possibility statistics is tried by using the index of the near degree of relative to syntheticly evaluate the financial situation of enterprises.
Phoria at distance and near, positive and negative relative accommodation(NRA/PRA), accommodative convergence and accommodation response were measured. Results Response AC/A ratio of P. M.
眼动参数测量包括远、近距隐斜、调节反应、调节性辐辏及正、负相对调节,对每组的反应性、计算性AC/A 等眼动参数进行分析比较。
The far and the near must be relative, and depend on many varying circumstances.
Finally, the connections between relative near SR compactness and other relative compactness are studied.
North it near ocean waves Wan QingErhai, west and Cangshan SouthEnd setting sun peak relative.
Both the number of particles and the relative phase oscillate near an equilibrium point in the phase space.
The magmatic rock intrudes relative seriously in Wangying Colliery, rock-burst and gas outburst mainly take place near igneous rock wall.
When the coked sites mainly located near the outer surface of the catalyst, and the relative coke growth rate was low, the catalyst showed a relative lower activity.
The key of seismic data processing mainly lies in static corrections and imaging and both of them are relative to velocity model in complex near-surface and underground geologic structural conditions.
The relative equation between stress intensity factor and displacement field near interface crack tip of bimaterials was derived firstly.
Simulation result shows that the proposed algorithm has a prediction quality near to the Full Search, and reduces the search points in about 10% relative to the Hexagon Search Algorithm.
Based on the two-body assumption, two methods are used to investigate the relative motion of satellite formation flying on circular or near-circular orbits.
The karyotype resemblance-near coefficient is 0.9692, evolutionary distance of Jianbai Xiang Pig is 0.0313, it indicates relative extent is high.
The amplitude of the geosynchronous magnetic flied responses has a peak near the local noon, but the relative amplitude of the response depends weakly on local time.