1 词典释义:
spam message
时间: 2025-02-05 17:31:05
英 [spam ˈmɛsɪdʒ]
美 [spæm ˈmɛsɪdʒ]


  • Phishing is a specific type of spam message that solicits personal information from the recipient.


  • They seek people in places where labor costs are cheap and pay them to go to a target site and leave a spam message by hand.


  • Members agreed not to scatter unhealthy alternatively unlawful message, and make further efforts to wipe discover spam messages.


  • May be us all once received spam message, children are the weak in telling right from wrong, so its negative impact can not be immeasurable.


  • When a message is received by an MTA, a distributed blacklist filter is called to determine whether the message is a known spam.


  • A more practical approach to cost-based spam is to force someone sending E-mail or Posting a message to expend a non-trivial amount of CPU cycles in order to do so.


  • SpamAssassin, for example, provides the sa-learn script, which you can tell to identify the message as Spam or Ham, accordingly.

    例如SpamAssassin,它提供了sa - learn脚本,您可以使用该脚本将消息分别标识为垃圾邮件或者非垃圾邮件(Ham)。

  • Each recipient of a spam, however, in the absence of prior filtering, must press his own "Delete" button to get rid of the message.


  • (I sort probable spam into several different folders, and I save them all to develop message corpora.)


  • Gone are the days when you spam the web with useless ads and expect people to buy into your message (unless you're a soulless pay-per-click jockey, you're out of luck).


  • In any case, it is usually unambiguous whether a message is spam, and many, many people get the same such e-mails.


  • A lot of spam involves charity scams, which is probably why that message got flagged, he said.


  • He said the software USES a number of different variables to score a message; those above a certain threshold get tagged as spam.


  • Note : Whenever you suspect that somebody is indeed a spammer, you can also send a direct message to @spam, Twitter's own spam fighting account.

    注意: 如果你发现某人的确是一个垃圾信息源,你可以直接向@spam发送一个密信(DM),这是Twitter官方用来对抗垃圾信息的帐号。

  • It can also automatically whitelist any address to which you send mail and whitelist the sender when you mark a message as not spam.


  • Spam short message (SMS) had been a big problem that disturbed cell-phone users and mobile operators recently.


  • If the text of the alert is found in a message, its row will be highlighted, helping you to identify messages that might not be SPAM.


  • When the filter identifies a message as spam, it makes a report of all tests and scores assigned.


  • In short, sending SPAM email messages is not an effective way to sell your products. It's a waste of your time and that of the person who gets your unwanted message.


  • Through multiple text features extraction from email and short message service (SMS) document, some spam filtering experiments are run on TREC07P email corpus and real Chinese SMS corpus separately.

    抽取电子邮件和手机短信的多种文本特征, 分别在TREC07P电子邮件语料和真实中文手机短信语料上进行了垃圾信息过滤实验。

  • In the subject line, make sure you stand out so your message won't get locked in a spam folder.


  • So a message you sent may not be received (and you'll never receive an error message). And, a message sent to you may be diverted by your spam filter into your junk mail folder.


  • Any e-message sent to a recipient without a clear way for a person to opt-out or request future messages not be sent to them, is Spam.

