He loved Gerard's peasant earthiness.
Brown speaks of home, hearth and a certain earthiness.
Refuse to earthiness, accept poverty in quiet in the heart of one party sukhavati keep.
Some, for instance, may prefer the earthiness of a mud floor to the coldness of a concrete one.
His sense of humor and genuine down-to-earthiness is going to make it so much fun to work with him.
Classic hints of menthol and earthiness are combined with a touch of American oak to provide a pleasing complexity.
Clarity of glass and earthiness of the wood cork make this canister not only a storage tool but a beautiful accent for the room.
The laborer, looking into it at evening, purifies his thoughts of the dross and earthiness which they have accumulated during the day.
As an individuality succumbs to earthiness, abandoning intellect for emotion and emotion for sensuality, it becomes more and more one - sided.
The Merlot has found particularly suitable conditions in Argentina to make this wine an excellent expression of its fruit and earthiness and still maintaining its delicacy.
The distinguishing rich, loamy earthiness and fine ripe tannins provide structure and mingle with lush fruit, ensuring that the wine will develop additional complexity over many years.
与众不 同的肥沃土性和口感很好的单宁成分为该酒提供了“骨架”,他们又与丰美的葡萄相混合,确保该酒经过多年时间能够进一步增加复杂性。