1 词典释义:
universal set
时间: 2025-03-23 20:48:46


  • If t contains all elements of concern, it is called the universal set.


  • Universal set of technology, make precision machine tool spindle use Angle contact ball bearing realized either way matching use.


  • The universal set seemed extremely natural and obvious, yet ultimately several paradoxes of set theory were traced to the assumption that it existed, which mathematicians now know is flawed.


  • Therefore any attempt at a universal tool set also proves futile.

    因此试图建立一套通用工具集 的任何尝试都被证明是无效的。

  • Set up a sample database: Describes the sample database set up, which is then used in this article to demonstrate the configuration of the Universal services.

    设置示例数据库:描述示例数据库的设置,本文将使用该数据库演示Universal Services的配置。

  • If any further information is needed on how to set up a data source, refer to the manual of your application server or read the readme file included in the Universal Services download package.

    如果需要了解关于如何设置数据源的更多信息,请参阅应用服务器的手册或Universal Services下载包中的readme文件。

  • The Universal services, containing all the necessary components to successfully set up and configure the services, are available for free.

    可以免费获得Universal Services,包括设置和配置服务所需的所有组件。

  • Most elements in the topic DTD contain a set of universal attributes that enable the elements to be used as selectors, filters, content referencing infrastructure, and multi-language support.


  • There is no universal civilization. Instead, there are these cultural blocks, each within its own distinct set of values.


  • Last year's World health Report set out policies and practical actions for financing health services, with a strong emphasis on moving towards universal coverage.


  • I let the universal consciousness guide me instead of having to set specific goals and intentions.


  • The cost of expanding health coverage explains why many states have set themselves less ambitious goals than universal insurance.


  • Alexander the Great, remember, wanted to set up a one world, a universal empire.


  • To round out the set and allow for universal quantum computation, we need the Controlled Phase function, CPhase .

    要使集合完整并考虑普遍的量子计算,那么我们需要受控相位函数,CPhase 。

  • Rather than creating a document, you want to get an existing document using a universal ID set on the main XPage.

    您要使用 main XPage 中设置的通用 ID 获取现有文档,而非创建文档。

  • Therefore any attempt at a universal tool set also proves futile.


  • Based on the initial set of search, review, collaborate, and update behaviors with mashup applications, many universal usage patterns have been documented and reused.


  • The G8 recently set an even more ambitious target. This was to get "as close as possible to universal access to treatment for all those who need it by 2010".


  • Universal Services are a simple but fixed set of database operations that allow the querying and modification of XML data, stored in a pureXML column of a DB2 database.

    Universal Services是一组简单但固定的数据库操作,它们允许查询和修改储存在DB 2数据库的purexml列中的数据。

  • This page provides the user a facility to test the basic set of functions provided by the Universal Services and displays the results to the user.

    这个页面为用户提供了这样一种机制,用户可以测试由Universal Services所提供的基本函数集并将结果显示给用户。

  • The factory is set of universal form of multimedia format software.


  • The Unicode CCS 3.1 is officially known as the ISO 10646-1 Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set (UCS).

    Unicode CCS 3.1的官方称谓是ISO 10646 - 1通用多八字节编码字符集(Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set, UCS)。

  • This is known as UCS - Universal Character Set .


  • There is a set of universal wheels under the structure plate, young people can move the mobile structures and reconstruct space.


  • During using a universal adjustable die set, the floating force, floating amount and powder-filling amount may be adjustable whenever necessary in pressing.


  • Tip: the Universal Coordinated time (UTC) is the time set by the World time Standard.

