I am thrilled to be admitted to the Peking University, my dream university.
Patients must be certified before they can be admitted to the hospital.
《牛津词典》You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started.
《牛津词典》Through hard work, we can be admitted to our dream university eventually.
My son will be admitted to the company this year.
Mary is fourth in line to be admitted to the society.
Just being able to be admitted to Stanford is so impossible for most people.
Since children cannot do this, they therefore are not to be admitted to baptism.
You should be admitted to hospital and treated with penicillin and streptomycin.
I plan to study like crazy, so that I can get the grades I need to be admitted to college.
2 - 2我计划要疯狂念书,让自己可以达到考进大学所需的成绩。
Next year he will be old enough to enter first grade, but he won't be admitted to a school.
All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard to be admitted to the games.
All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard to be admitted to the games.
In a vacuum exhaust system, sealing steam to the turbine shaft labyrinth seals must be admitted to avoid loss of vacuum.
I'll prepare the blood for you in case a blood transfusion is needed. You should be admitted to the hospital immediately.
One study showed that pregnant women in the US were more likely to be admitted to hospital with swine flu than other people.
On days when air pollution was high, more people with an underlying heart problem tended to be admitted to hospital, he said.
Turkey was a NATO ally and was hoping to be admitted to the European Union, a development I had been strongly supporting for years.
Except for some inferior courts, judges are generally required to be admitted to practice but do not practice while on the bench.
What mattered most was getting into a good elementary school, middle school and high school so that they would finally be admitted to a top college.
Can 08 Guizhou be admitted to Wuhan university of science and technology south central branch school and Dong Hu branch school of Wuhan University 462 mark?
In addition, the babies of obese mothers are more likely to be admitted to neonatal intensive care units. They also have a higher incidence of neural tube defects.
I profess, I have never seen the like, since my days of vanity, in old King James' time, when I was wont to esteem it a high favour to be admitted to a court mask!
For this Peace Program, however, the cooperation is not only working, but it is an incredible added value for everybody lucky enough to be admitted to this Centre.
Teens who abort are more likely to develop psychological problems, and are nearly three times more likely to be admitted to mental health hospitals than teens in general.
A foreign lawyer may, however, be admitted to the bar of one of the states and may, even without being admitted, advise an American lawyer as a consultant on foreign law.
Her daughter once asked to be admitted to the children's home where her mother worked after the war, in order to see more of her.[/align][align=left][font=Verdana][/align]