Etiologies included trauma, steroid use, and idiopathy.
What are common etiologies for injuries?
Pituitary adenoma is one of the important etiologies of male infertility.
In this article, we herein report four cases of four different etiologies.
Objective To investigate the etiologies and diagnostic methods of pleural effusion.
Describe the valvular anatomy of the heart and list etiologies for valvular heart disease.
Liver fibrosis is the final common pathway of chronic liver diseases of various etiologies.
Pulsatile tinnitus has various etiologies, including atherosclerotic carotid artery disease.
Except genetic, environmental and immunological, etiologies psychological factors also may be involved.
Objective To evaluate the value of color Doppler ultrasound in dilated superior ophthalmic vein and its etiologies.
The causes included acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis and retrograde infection due to different etiologies.
High oxygen tensions needed to treat the hypoxia resulting from DAD and its etiologies further potentiates this disease.
Objective To explore the etiologies, diagnosis and treatment principles of perioperative jaundice in liver transplantation.
Other less common etiologies include dacryocystitis, retained orbital foreign body, periocular trauma and dental infection.
The first 3 most common etiologies of LGIB were colonic or rectal polypi, Meckel diverticulum, intestine duplication respectively.
Four common etiologies of abrasion are discussed: traumatic abrasion, contact lens abrasion, foreign body abrasion, and recurrent erosion.
Treatment regimens for each of the etiologies are discussed, with a focus on current research on using pressure eye patches as an intervention.
The sentinel surveillance system was designed so surveillance and laboratory testing for other etiologies of neurological infection could be incorporated.
As the population of older people seeking primary care increases, practitioners need to be knowledgeable concerning the multiple etiologies of dizziness.
Conclusions Applying laparoscopy technical can diagnose the recurrent hernia type definitely and help to analyse etiologies and reduce the re-recurrence rate.
Conclusion Hyperlipidemia is one of the most common etiology of acute pancreatitis, it should be identified from other etiologies, and be treated with pertinency.
By summarizing references and related books, the authors reviewed etiologies, pathogenic mechanism, clinical appearance, treatment principles and common medicaments for...
However, the IONM still serves as the most important monitoring method for the iatrogenic nerve injury in patients with different spinal deformity due to different etiologies.
尽管如此,在不同病因学的脊柱畸形患者中IONM技术仍然是术中及时发现神经损伤的最重要方法。 对于术中不能判别的监测结果变化,唤醒试验仍然是最终的金标准。
Tension pneumocephalus most commonly occurs following drainage of subdural collections (ranging from 2.5% to 16% of cases). Other etiologies include craniofacial surgery and trauma.
张力性气颅最常发生于硬膜下积液钻孔引流术后(发生率约2.5% - 16%)。其他病因包括颅面部手术、外伤等。
Conclusion the etiologies of the multiple intervertebral disc herniations associated with spinal stenosis were complicated and the syndrome were diversified to influence each other.
Etiologies of respiratory distress are numerous and include pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary embolism, and exacerbations of chronic obstructive lung disease.
A clinically significant dysfunction whose major manifestation is behavioral or psychological. These dysfunctions may have identified or presumed biological etiologies or manifestations.
Abstract : Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) is one of the major etiologies responsible for the acute, highly contagious disease in the digestive tract of pigs, especially neonatal piglets.
摘要 : 猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV) 是引起猪(特别是新生仔猪) 急性、高度传染性消化道疾病的主要病原之一;