Will it be the long sought signal from an alien civilization?
What if we encounter an alien civilization whose intentions are completely baffling?
The archeologist said that the pyramids are the remnants of an alien civilization .
This message would be sent in Morse code which was considered to be the easiest for an alien civilization to decode.
Surely if an alien civilization is advanced enough to master space travel, it can devise more effective ways of communicating with us.
Unfortunately we have no clue where an alien civilization might be located, and what distances its transmissions must cover before being received on Earth.
In the future, if any alien civilization arrives to Earth, they would be able to instantly tell the history of Earth's geography and know where in time we lived.
Eighteen years earlier, two Cornell physicists, Philip Morrison and Giuseppe Cocconi, had tried to imagine how an intelligent alien civilization might try to signal Earth.
十八年前,Philip Morrison和Giuseppe Coccni,两位来自康奈尔大学的物理学家,致力于猜想智慧外星文明如何向地球发出信号。
In surveying the skies in search of a signal from an alien civilization, the various SETI programs have been very successful in collecting massive amounts of radio data.
Find evidence of asteroid mining: Humans are already looking at the asteroids in our solar system and considering their potential for mining, so why wouldn't an alien civilization do the same?
But because the Saturns would rise at different times every night, the hypothetical alien civilization would have a hard time using its companion planets to tell time or create a calendar.
"But, to delve into some alien sociology, we are extrapolating human civilization to some future point and saying what we might do," Haqq-Misra said.
At best, studying our civilization could be some alien child's science fair project on exo-anthropology.
We might even encounter an alien type II civilization long before we achieve that level ourselves.
In the modern civilization, the rapid combination of Eastern culture, Western culture, region culture and occupation culture has stimulated vivid new words, alien words, jargons words and dialect.