Mr Calderon cannot run again, and the PAN's bench looks weak.
If you were going to run a triathlon, you would spend more time improving your endurance and pacing yourself then sitting on the bench writing out the timing for your swimming, running and biking.
If people run into a sign near a park bench saying that the paint is wet, every one will touch it to check.
Didier Drogba was also given a run-out, with his appearance off the bench suggesting his recovery from injury is going to plan.
We played ball in his yard and he is soooo much bigger than me, he always want to snatch the ball away from me but I always get it and run under a bench so that he cannot get me hee hee.
They allow the bench to run more, to get out there and make plays in the open court and I like playing like that too.
Wake up in front of the bench sitting callous and then suddenly began to run.
Redick and Jason Williams (16 points) helped Orlando go on a 13-4 run with Howard, Carter and Rashard Lewis on the bench early in the fourth quarter.
The Bench Mob started the run, and Kobe Bryant followed with points of his own.
Nasri's late strike after coming off the bench was supposed to continue our fine run but a freakish goal from Kevin Phillips snatched an unlikely draw for the home side.
However, a bench place for the Youth Cup run will no doubt have softened the blow.