They often gain speedier access to emerging markets too.
It provides speedier file transfer between your offices.
Perhaps it would embrace more expensive and speedier change.
It would probably be unrealistic to expect much speedier progress.
On mobile platforms compressed audio is encoded as MP3 for speedier decompression.
For speedier cooking, cut meat into paper thin slices, no more than 1/4-inch thick.
It was used a metal structure for allowing speedier performance lighter structural elements.
To appease Greece's jittery creditors a policy with speedier and more visible results is needed.
It provides sharp contrast, speedier screen refresh and doesn't lose your cursor when you move it fast.
The default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE. Large values are better for batched indexing and speedier searches.
它的默认值是 Integer.MAX_VALUE,将这个参数设置为比较大的值可以提高索引效率和检索速度,由于该参数的默认值是整型的最大值,所以我们一般不需要改动这个参数。
If you've already left ie for a speedier browser, IE8 is not going to bring you back, and Microsoft knows it.
That would stop Britain from causing trouble, and negotiations among 17 countries may be speedier than among 27.
Mr Bhatt says the network has helped the firm make speedier and better decisions about which risks to underwrite.
For an even speedier start, help yourself to a product-by-product collection of how-to articles and tech support.
要更快速地开始上手,请参阅针对各个产品的 how-to 文章和技术支持。
Even so, BP and its partners repeatedly chose the riskier, speedier course instead of a slower and safer alternative.
Because a strong Saturn is always critical to your career progress, this planet's turn to speedier orbit will be a blessing.
The trouble is, economists have struggled to establish a strong link between freer capital flows and speedier economic development.
Although communications are speedier and technology continues to assist our work, our planet faces complex global environmental issues.
The iPhone 4 also features a much faster processor - the A4, first introduced in the iPad - making responses to your touches seem far speedier.
iPhone 4引入了更为高效的A4处理器,这一最先在ipad上使用的处理器使iPhone能够更加快速的响应你的指令。
Apple has unveiled a speedier version of the iPhone, featuring a better camera and video capabilities and dropped its price for the current version.
Then again, if you want speedier access and a more intelligent user interface, switch to Gmail and access multiple email accounts using that instead.
The brain changes coincide with improvements in spatial memory and speedier foraging skills, which might help a mother rat protect and feed her young.
According to the computer simulation, having long toes also makes sprinters speedier, by extending the time that a runner's foot makes contact with the ground.
"It's almost as though we're trying to emulate the technology and be speedier and more efficient, " James Cook University researcher Dr Aoife McLoughlin said.
As extradition becomes speedier and procedures tighter, the risk of miscarriages of justice rises, and in a way that the humble and innocent may find difficult to resist.