1 词典释义:
have influence over
时间: 2025-03-13 07:34:27


  • Some observers speculate that the big companies have influence over IV's decisions about what companies to sue.


  • In monopulse radars, the amplitude and phase of sum and difference channels have influence over Angle measurement accuracy.


  • The auto companies have influence over prices from all their suppliers, and may have been a factor in the import prices, moderate increase.


  • But if you had to stereotype, girls more often use social power to have influence over their peers, and boys more often use physical intimidation to have power over their peers.


  • The factors which have influence over the null depth and zero point position of two basic microwave antenna difference beams are analyzed theoretically from the point of engineering application.


  • Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.


  • Few places have tracked chimp behavior over long periods, and those that have are also more likely to have protected their animals from human influence.


  • Today there are about 100,000 little free libraries in over 100 countries and they have a great influence on people's life.


  • Numerous properties and features can have significant influence over the performance of the parser.


  • Studies show that teen girls' friends and peers have much more influence over how they feel about their bodies than do fashion models, and the majority of girls report being happy with their bodies.


  • Women still have the strongest long-term influence over the couple's diet and lifestyle, as they still have the traditional role of shopper and cook in most households.


  • They do, however, set local product standards and thus can have a huge influence over foreign firms' sales in China.


  • As a result, likability can have a profound influence over who gets a job.


  • They recognized that U.S.-China relationship is very important given the significant status and influence the two countries have over the world.


  • The Republicans are also paying a direct price for their obstructionism—surrendering what influence they might have had over impending legislation (and playing into Ms Pelosi’s hands in the process).


  • Proactive people, on the other hand, tend to focus their attention on things over which they have some degree of influence, such as their job, their diet, and exercise.


  • But nonetheless, Peter the Great creates this huge empire that will have over the long run, an enormous influence in European affairs.


  • Your team may have little control over the end-date, but you have influence on how your team actually gets there.


  • The good news is that this is a problem that you as a manager have a great deal of influence over.


  • The study also found that siblings have twice as much influence than parents over performing good deeds - including volunteering, doing favors for others and being nice to people.


  • Either way, outsiders, including the U.S., will have little influence over Syria's future.


  • Either way, outsiders, including the U. S., will have little influence over Syria's future.


  • To be an effective boss, you must influence others -- people and groups over whom you have no formal control -- to get what your group needs and to work for what you believe is best and right.

    要成为高效的管理者,必须具备足够的影响力。 为了实现自己团队的目标,并为自己团队的理想而努力,管理者必须有能力对其职权范围之外的人员和团队施加有效影响。

  • Great changes have taken place in Asia, Europe and the rest of the world since the Bangkok meeting, and these will definitely exert a rather profound influence over the Asia-Europe relationship.


  • Audit work is not the world's most fascinating job and junior staff have limited influence over their assignments.


  • They'll know that you're really in control, that you face off like a peer, and that you have real influence over what's happening.

