The dried condition of the powder of Strychnos nux-vomica was studied by orthogonal design.
Objective:To study the effects on the alkaloid components in Strychnos nux-vomical L. uncombined and combined with Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.
Nux is an open source project geared toward high-throughput XML messaging middleware that aims to integrate best-of-breed components for XML processing into a single toolkit.
The medical infusion is prepared with the following materials based on weight proportion: respectively 20g of nux vomica, asarum, khosam, burning bush peel and lobaria kurokauae, and 1000ml vinegar.
其药物是由下述重量份的原料制 成的:马钱子、细辛、苦参、白藓皮、老龙皮各20克,食醋1000毫升。
nux vomica
n. [植]马钱子