Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day for something other than itself.
Note that all barters are taxable transactions and have to be reported to the IRS as income.
Bitcoin may be accepted as currency and may not be easy to trace, but so are trades and barters.
Bitcoin may be accepted as currency and may not be easy to trace, but so are trades and barters.
In reaction to the phenomenon, some say the Internet has removed barters and provided people with immediate access to the world.
When bartering with enemies, you are able to negotiate peace deals, while barters between a king and hisvassals could consist of granting ranks within the kingdom or awarding offices.
The opening scenes, in which Faustus barters his soul, are magnificent, and the closing presentation of the final hour of retribution reaches a depth of pathos which Marlowe never equaled.
barter trade
barter away