It does not achieve convergence until adopting IFRS.
The following are 20 common questions related to IFRS.
EU companies have been required to use IFRS since 2005.
But several observers say it's likely the shift to IFRS will still occur.
The concept of comparability is one of the underlying concepts brought forth under IFRS.
These factors have augmented the demand in China for accountants with knowledge of IFRS.
This paper investigates the effect of adopting IFRS in China on the pricing of audit services.
The initial lack of skill sets in the application of IFRS, however, is only an initial problem.
GAAP also provides specific instructions for industries such as oil and insurance. IFRS doesn't.
Compensation of key management is a required disclosure under IFRS, where as under GAAP it is not.
U. S. GAAP revenue recognition literature is built on principles that are similar to those in IFRS.
Is understanding IFRS more a conceptual issue or more a problem of just dealing with many new rules?
IFRS focuses on the notion of control in determining whether a parent-subsidiary relationship exists.
Kuwait and other countries in the Middle East, too, are said to be adopting IFRS with certain peculiarities.
Under IFRS, subsidiaries must adopt all the accounting policies of the parent company in consolidation.
The SEC staff declined to recommend IFRS, in a paper that was more negative than observers had expected.
For example, to match the new U.S. rules on impairment would mean adding a whole new category under IFRS.
It is a major failing that IFRS are not already the global accounting language for all finance professionals.
IF RS尚未成为所有财务专业人士通用的全球会计语言是行业的重大失误。
Although this case related to current IFRS revenue recognition rules, it can happen again, and to any company.
One day, another partner was discussing with me ways we could promote our thought leadership in IFRS to the market.
Thus IFRS 9 improves comparability and makes financial statements easier to understand for investors and other users.
因此,IFRS 9极大提高了可比性,使得投资人及其他的报表使用人更易读懂财务报表。
The change to IFRS would force a company to adopt the first-in-first-out (FIFO) methodology or weighted average cost method.
Research from Deloitte indicates that of 162 countries only 34 do not permit the use of IFRS for listed and unlisted companies.
Regular internal reporting to management and shareholders according to IFRS, including performance metrics tracking and analysis.
IFRS requires a detailed disclosure of the nature of each accrued expense and the nature of the changes to those accrued expenses.
Using IFRS, a significant increase of their net profit level has been observed, and their equity capital are found slightly decreased.
There are worries overseas too, for instance that the SEC will try to interfere with IFRS and interpret it in a narrow, prescriptive way.
The course is primarily aimed at financial statement preparers and users, and accountancy students with some previous knowledge of IFRS.
"You can leverage US GAAP for certain topic areas but the bottom line is there hasn't been a lot of material developed on IFRS," he said.