First is the WEB-INF directory.
第一个是WEB - INF目录。
Several files are generated in META-INF.
在META - INF中生成了多个文件。
This folder should contain the WEB-INF folder.
该文件夹应该包含WEB - INF文件夹。
Happy \ WEB-INF - for the deployment descriptors.
happy \ WEB - INF—用于部署描述符。
Beans.xml and web.xml go into the web \ web-inf folder.
xml和web . xml放入web \ web - inf文件夹中。
It is in the "WEB-INF" folder in the sample application.
它位于示例应用程序的“WEB - INF”文件夹中。
HelloWorld \ WEB-INF \ web.xml - the web deployment descriptor.
helloWorld \ web - INF \ web . xml—web部署描述符。
The WEB-INF/web.xml file configures the actual servlet handling.
WEB-INF/web.xml 文件配置实际的 servlet 处理。
WEB-INF contains.xml files needed by Geronimo for your application.
WEB - INF(包含Geronimo对于您的应用程序所需的. xml文件)。
Next, open up the web.xml file, also found in the WEB-INF directory.
接下来,打开web . xml文件。该文件也可以在web - INF目录中找到。
You can define your LDAP server in /WebContent/META-INF/context.xml.
可以在 /WebContent/META-INF/context.xml 中定义 LDAP 服务器。
Copy the DB2 JDBC driver jars from sample code to the WEB-INF \ lib.
将DB 2 JDBC驱动程序jar从示例代码复制到WEB - INF \ lib。
HelloWorld \ WEB-INF \ portlet.xml - the portlet deployment descriptor.
helloWorld \ WEB - INF \ portlet . xml—portlet部署描述符。
The data file is kept in the WEB-INF directory of the sample application.
数据文件放在示例应用程序的WEB - INF目录。
Create a META-INF directory in your root rails directory next to WEB-INF.
在靠近WEB - INF的root rails目录中创建META - INF目录。
Under the WEB-INF directory, create two simple XML deployment descriptors.
在WEB - INF目录下,创建两个简单的XML部署描述符。
You can examine the code under the webapps\vservlet\WEB-INF\src directory.
您可以查看 webapps\vservlet\WEB-INF\src目录下的代码。
The file resides in the PLUTO_HOME/webapps/pluto/WEB-INF/classes directory.
该文件驻留在 PLUTO_HOME/webapps/pluto/WEB-INF/classes 目录中。
Now create a subdirectory under your project_base directory called WEB-INF.
现在,在project _ base目录中创建子目录WEB - INF。
Manifest files go into respective META-INF folders (both client and service).
清单文件放入相应的META - INF文件夹(客户端和服务)。
Create or import a file to the WEB-INF \ classes folder.
在WEB - INF \ classes文件夹中创建或导入一个log_server . properties文件。
Inside the META-INF subdirectory is the openejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.
openejb - jar . xml部署描述符在META - inf子目录中。
Copy all jar files from blazeds \ WEB-INF \ lib to the WEB-INF \ lib directory.
将所有jar文件从blazeds \ WEB - INF \ lib复制到WEB - INF \ lib目录。
The generated files are placed in the META-INF directory, as shown in Figure 18.
生成的文件位于META - INF目录中,如图18中所示。
Listing 4 shows the WEB-INF \ web.xml file for the buyticket portal application.
清单4将显示buyticket门户应用程序的web - INF \ web . xml文件。
Copy the com directory from your AXIS_HOME to c: \ amazon-client \ WEB-INF \ SRC.
将com目录从AXIS_HOME复制到c: \ amazon - client \ WEB - INF \ src中。
The following jar files from ShoppingStore_Tomcat.war are included in WEB-INF\lib
以下 ShoppingStore_Tomcat.war jar 文件包括在 WEB-INF\lib 中
All handler definitions are stored in the WEB-INF/config/selection_handlers directory.
所有的处理程序定义都存储在 WEB-INF/config/selection_handlers 目录 中。
A developer could also inadvertently make changes in the duplicated version in WEB-INF.
开发人员也可能无意地改变WEB - INF中复制的版本。
I have done this for you, and you can find the file in the download's META-INF \ folder.
我已经为您完成了这个文件,您可以在下载的META - INF \文件夹中找到此文件。