Documentation for reintegrated data.
Russia must be reintegrated into Europe.
Only then, can we allow the child to be reintegrated.
We must do all we can to make sure they are reintegrated.
By allowing man to be reintegrated into the natural cycle.
The items returned, and you reintegrated them into your product. But now what?
Surviving Death Eaters will have to be brought to justice or reintegrated into magical society.
Whereas by the middle of the 20th century Gaelic was slowly dying out, the minority language is now slowly being reintegrated into public life.
Thousands of volunteers who signed up to Mr Ouattara’s cause, many of them barely literate, have yet to be disarmed or reintegrated into society.
Upon departure of the carrier, most of the components can be reused, recycled or simply reintegrated into the natural cycle through bio-degradation.
Finally, according to the system after reintegrated the financial and business information, introduces the function of system each module respectively.
I started to think about various geometries emerging from the architecture surrounding the space and how they might be reintegrated into it as the basis of a design.
If a failed server reintegrates into the ha cluster (that is, becomes available again), it will stop the database on the standby server and start it on the reintegrated server.
To avoid this, melchior wants mothers properly " reintegrated " into society, a society that respects their worth and which supplements their mothering rather than supplanting it.
为了避免这种情况,梅尔基奥尔希望母亲们适当地「重新融入」 社会, 融入一个尊重其价值、并且辅助而不是替代其育儿职能的社会之中。
The research shows that central executive function has been strongly connected with memory activities, which predicts that the reintegrated human memory theories will be based on its system.