Available theories for analysis of the undrained shear strength were presented and compared.
According to the undrained cyclic triaxial tests, the proposed method is verified available.
Study on undrained shear behavior and hyperbolic stress-strain relationship of saturated clays;
The undrained cyclic shear strength of the silt is about 50% of the static undrained shear strength.
The steady state strength concepts, the consolidated-undrained triaxial shear test method and the test results are introduced.
Meanwhile, the normalized stress-strain relationship of Wuhan soft clay under consolidated undrained condition is established.
Analyses were carried out of the undrained triaxial compression test results of several normally consolidated saturated clays.
Results from undrained triaxial shear tests show that this model can well describe the stress-strain characteristics of soft clay.
It was found that the undrained shear behavior of loose sands was considerably dependent on the orientation of the principal stress.
Maintaining to be constant, the maximum bending moment of the pile increases linearly with increase of the undrained shear strength.
Steady state strength and undrained behavior of saturated loess are studied under stress-controlled undrained triaxial consolidation experiments.
The value of strain of undrained conventional triaxial compression creep is less than that of reduced triaxial compression creep under the same deviator stress;
By conducting stress controlled cyclic triaxial test, in this paper, the behavior of saturated soft clay under the action of undrained cyclic load being studied.
It is very difficult to resolve or measure matric suction in engineering practice, because the matric suction is not constant especially under undrained condition.
For a tank foundation with a relatively thin soft deposit and undrained shear strength increasing with depth, the edge shear failure is likely to be the critical one.
This paper introduces the results of unconfined compression test, direct shear test and unconsolidated undrained triaxial test for saturated clay at a site in Shanghai.
On the basis of the undrained shear strength being the logarithm function of the disturbance degree, the elastoplastic solution of the cylindrical expansion is obtained.
Parameters of the explicit model are determined and the validity of the model is verified based on the undrained cyclic triaxial tests on consolidated Shanghai soft clay.
Effect of initial mean effective stress on the behavior is examined by tests under undrained cyclic loading at several initial confining stresses with the same stress rations.
In the consolidated-undrained test, the specimen has been consolidated to a certain water content under the consolidation pressure and then sheared with constant water content.
The concept and application of "SHANSEP" were proposed as a new laboratory test method which can minimize the sampling disturbance and more correctly estimate the undrained shear strength of clay.
The explicit model is validated based on undrained cyclic test data. It will be more effective to calculate the long-term settlement of subgrade under traffic loading with the proposed explicit model.
undrained shear strength