The paper talks about the education cost keeping and cost shares responsibility in higher institution.
Project manager responsibility system and project cost keeping system are two effective measures to improve the level of management and efficiency of construction enterprises.
The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.
《牛津词典》While studying endangered species may provide some insights to scientists, the cost of keeping these animals in existence can not be justified for research purposes alone.
Cheap living always starts with keeping the big cost small.
The retail industry -- e.g., clothing stores, grocers, and hardware shops -- understands the cost of keeping a large inventory.
Keeping up with so much change has always been the hardest undertaking of it and the cause of many of its most infamous challenges, including failed projects and cost overruns.
In addition, unless the service descriptions are stored only within UDDI, there is a cost associated with keeping the different versions synchronized.
Pay-What-You-Can training events focus on keeping costs low by taking place in free or low cost venues and asking participants to bring their own supplies and laptops.
There's the expense of buying a vacuum cleaner (and keeping it in good repair), plus the extra cost of purchasing cleaning must-haves like vacuum bags, sponges, paper towels and cleansers.
The drawback of keeping this much data is, of course, disk space, but the benefit of having this data available when needed outweighs the cost in most cases.
Big banks like that: for them back-up systems arevital, and the cost of keeping a telex is trivial.
On one project (corporate it context), we deliberately studied the cost for both installing a traceability tool, and the human labor involved in keeping the information up to date.
That huge demand for U.S. debt, in turn, helped to fuel the U.S. 's housing and credit booms by keeping the cost of borrowing at unusually low levels.
But the cost of keeping the animals in and the poachers out may make them uneconomic.
It has struggled in recent years as cost-cutting ate into reliability (Ryanair, by contrast, has a good reputation for punctuality and keeping passengers together with their luggage).
Factoring in taxes, upkeep and the opportunity cost of keeping money in a non-performing asset, an empty luxury home may be costing owners a lot just by sitting there.
The question is whether the tens of billions of dollars being wasted on the current system are an acceptable cost for keeping a few bad lawyers, alongside many decent ones, from offering their wares.
After gaining local trust, Vathana launched a series of low-cost, highly ingenious strategies for keeping crops-and elephants-safe.
Furthermore, the standardization of data center "parts" over time made custom assembly increasingly easy to do, keeping this approach cost effective.
Some observers believe that Emirates is a pioneer of low-cost long-haul travel, capable of keeping economy fares below competitors' if it has to.
The impact on consumers may be more significant, because companies are keeping the lid on wages, their biggest single cost.
A geothermal power plant in the basement will provide low-cost energy for heating water as well as keeping the building warm in the winter.
With a goodsize memory card inside (I advise at least 256 megabytes), you can snap, snap, snap and never worry about cost of printing until you’ve got one worth keeping.
I am a poor insignificant creature, not worth the cost of keeping; and I don't see that I can do a single thing to entitle me to his regard.
Both must be given tolerances in keeping with the allowance desired, the manufacturing processes available, and the minimum cost of production and assembly that will maximize profit.