The clock, called Sleep Smart, measures your sleep cycle, and waits for you to be in your lightest phase of sleep before rousing you.
During this phase of sleep, the body is kept relaxed so that dreams are not acted out.
Other people say that REM sleep is the only essential phase of sleep, so core sleep isn't necessary.
The third phase of sleep, REM sleep, is known to promote memory retention of learning that took place during the day.
This may mean it takes longer to fall asleep, but studies show that the dream phase of sleep remains unaffected.
The Sense of Smell Institute found that lavender increases the amount of time spent in the restful, restorative phase of sleep.
They tested whether "incubating" a problem allowed a flash of insight, and found it did, especially when people entered a phase of sleep known as REM.
REM is the most important phase of sleep, the one in which you experience dreams, and when deprived of REM for too long, you suffer serious negative consequences.
Some researchers theorize that the REM, or rapid eye movement, phase of sleep is when the brain produces and consolidates neural networks for memory and cognition.
They also do not know why the extra brain activity, at least during the first phase of deep sleep, is always on the left hemisphere.
From that moment our research was directed towards the physiological study of sleep, especially towards what we now call its paradoxical phase.
Objective: To observe the effect of the Cizhu Pill on the sleep phase of insomnia rats.
Discovery of this tracing gave rise to the term "paradoxical phase," which we apply to sleep in the dreaming state.
While they were in slow-wave sleep (a deep-sleep phase marked by slow electrical oscillations in the brain), the re-searchers played the noises that matched 25 of the images they had been studying.