One study has calculated that the lifetime benefit to the local economy for a single additional student who completes high school is half a million dollars or more.
Abraham Lincoln said, "Behaving faithfully will bring people a lifetime benefit" as a matter of fact, not only we individuals will benefit, but also the whole time behind us.
The slowing of time has another benefit. It means we could, in theory, travel extraordinary distances within one lifetime.
Regular staff who remain benefit from lifetime employment but feel obliged to work extra hours lest their positions be made temporary.
"The bulk of the benefit was from increased lifetime earnings by enhancing children's intellectual abilities," he said.
Research indicates that highly skilled migrants who come to Australia between 25-32 years of age add the most benefit to the economy in terms of their lifetime earnings.
So the packing that design method is improved has good economic and social benefit and longer lifetime.
The benefit of such a system is stable low loss, coupled with a minimum 100,000-cycle lifetime.
The application result shows that its lifetime was lengthened, the repair working was more easily, and the economic benefit was obviously.
The benefit is intellectual enrichment and a lifetime of better job opportunities.
Steam flaking maize and wheat effectively increased the level of gelatinized starch in both maize and wheat (Table 7) but did not benefit post-weaning or lifetime pig performance.
The benefit of flying is that it is possible to travel very far quickly and see more in a lifetime, while the risk is that there is a very small risk of a plane crashing.
Through transformation, some benefit was gained, such as energy and sulfuric acid consumption reduction, the lifetime of equipment extending and good economic performance.
Through transformation, some benefit was gained, such as energy and sulfuric acid consumption reduction, the lifetime of equipment extending and...
Despite a few innocent illusions about growing up, I do hold the belief that life itself teaches us invaluable lessons from which we'll benefit throughout our lifetime.
The brain has more memory capacity than anyone can jam into it in a lifetime but if you don't learn how to use it, you will never benefit from its full potential.
His heart was warmly inclined towards everything which could be of use and benefit to humanity; he gave plenty of evidence of this both in his lifetime and in the clauses of his will.
Mr Widen will benefit from a lifetime upgrade to the next category of room reserved, and complimentary access to Executive Floor Club facilities every time he stays at Sheraton Shunde Hotel.
Peter Widen先生将会获得终身升级客房,并且在每次入住顺德喜来登酒店期间免费使用行政酒廊的设施和服务。
Time spent reading books that cultivate intelligence and wisdom is a labor that yields continuous benefit over a lifetime.
E. lesson in normal college will benefit to cultivating sports ability and lifetime sports thought of college students.