Merely passing through an area where an H5N1 outbreak in birds has been confirmed carries a negligible risk of exposure.
Based on the grades, five zones, negligible risk zone, low risk zone, medium risk zone, high risk zone and very high risk zone are differentiated.
Since 1992 recombinant proteins are generally used, which contain little, if any, human blood products - and thus have a negligible risk of contamination.
Chemoprevention trials in otherwise healthy people require effective agents that are extremely safe - so safe that they can be taken for long periods with negligible risk.
The amount is so small that the risk to an individual is negligible, according to radiation experts.
There is a strong correlation between a good education, higher earnings and a lower (though not negligible) risk of becoming unemployed.
The risk of infection for travellers to Turkey is negligible provided direct contact with dead or diseased domestic and wild birds is avoided.
However, TCDD does not affect genetic material and there is a level of exposure below which cancer risk would be negligible.
But markets for commodities are global, and the risk of any one consumer cornering supplies, or securing them at a lower price, is negligible.
Since you're joking, the risk of drowning in your own vomit is negligible.
By being willing to take a risk on entrepreneurial sorts who lack any other way to start a business, microcredit may help reduce poverty in the long run, even if its short-run effects are negligible.
But that depends on negligible inflation; and given that the current American rate is 3.8% and that the average rate since 1900 has been 3.1%, this is a big risk for investors to take.
If the protein source was obtained elsewhere, how is it determined that it was not cross contaminated with bovine SRM from countries not of negligible BSE risk?
The risk to a human life is really quite negligible.
The risk of a wage - price spiral , albeit a modest one , is not negligible.
What is more, the regulatory risk is negligible in France and Finland, since nuclear power is widely accepted by politicians and public alike, so financiers are less skittish.
The risk of a wage-price spiral, albeit a modest one, is not negligible.
解决物价不断上涨问题的惟一对策就是重新 实行对 工资和 价格的控制。