As the honeybee's stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury.
Here's a stinger full of love.
Richard a Jones defends the striped stinger of summer.
A queen bee USES her stinger only to sting another queen bee.
Unlike real scorpions, these creatures lack a long post-abdomen stinger.
The Wyvern is a large, scaly beast with leathery wings and a poison stinger.
双足飞龙是一种庞大、 有鳞的野兽,还长着翅膀和一根毒刺。
Remove the stinger, wet the sting and immediately shake on a paste of salt and water.
She traveled in an elegant custom vessel named the Stinger, provided to her by Xizor.
You may have heard about this feature in the DB2 V8.2 (also known as Stinger) release.
您可能在DB 2 V 8.2(也叫做Stinger)版本中听说过该特性。
Scanning electron micrograph of the end of a bee's (Apis sp.) abdomen showing the stinger.
Landed a Black Hawk Stinger with Azrael while both of the opponents' weak points were active.
Do you still call it that, "Stinger" at the end, sort of a syncopated bounce at the end of the thing?
I really should have been wearing a full stinger suit, as it recommended at all beaches here at this time of year.
Finally, stinger model is simulated by ECL under the same conditions, whose results have good consistency with our model.
Unlike Honeybees, when wasps sting their victim they do not lose their stinger, allowing them to sting their victim repeatedly.
If the narrator could put his glass of water down, I think he would see that a toast to the world with a Stinger would suit him well.
'Stinger,' he distinctly heard the Captain say, up in his room, as if that were no business of his. Therefore Walter gave two knocks.
So we were surprised that when we asked her what her favorite golf slang term is, she answered with the very mean-sounding " stinger."
This article reviews the advantages and the disadvantages of two kind of logging construction technologies: wet junction and pump down stinger.
"Just like bees in a hive, Strategic Hotels is industrious, hard working, and willing to use its stinger when necessary," says CEO Laurence Geller.
A group of Stinger block castings sits on the top shelf while a set of wax blocks are ready for the lost wax molding process to make the next set.
Stinger utilizes next generation scan engine technology, including process scanning, digitally signed DAT files, and scan performance optimizations.
The high seam drill 2000 is stainless steel construction and the cylinder rods of the 1st inner legs of the stinger and drill leg are stainless steel.
The queen's stinger, moreover, is smooth and saber-shaped, not barbed, as other bees' stingers are. Thus she, unlike all other bees, can sting repeatedly without hurting herself.
This latest version builds on the the momentum of the DB2 V8.2 release (formerly known as "Stinger") with a good number of new features inspired by a key relationship with SAP and their customers.
这个最新版本是在DB 2 V8.2版本(以前称作“Stinger”)的基础上构建的,与SAP及其客户的关键关系也推进了其中许多新特性的集成。