The market is now fully stocked.
Our school library is fully stocked with all sorts of books.
There's no reason to stop at a hotel when you have your RV fully stocked.
Our produce department is fully stocked with a variety of juicy fruits and crisp vegetables.
Elsewhere, deserted shops were still fully stocked as staff fled for their lives when the landmark towers.
Ensures that office supplies are fully stocked and in good quality, update telephone directory information.
If you have a sugar problem and continue to keep ice cream in your fridge it's like an alcoholic keeping a fully stocked bar at home.
Visitors say it's fully stocked with Microsoft technologies, including a Surface tabletop computer with a virtual guestbook application.
Please provide payment and billing information, as well as shipping cost of a 40' fully stocked to the port of Miami or Ft. Lauderdale.
They had their menus for the week planned out, their pantries were fully stocked, everyone working at full tilt, and suddenly they were told it was all over.
他们已经为这周的菜谱做了策划,他们的储藏室已经被装满,所有的人都在开足马力工作,这个时候却突然告诉他们GAME OVER !
When she hosted a Marmite-themed dinner, rather than sending her a warning letter, Marmite made sure she was fully stocked up with plenty of Marmite - all for free.
If American manufacturing is slowing because warehouses are now amply stocked, Asian manufacturing is slowing because workshops are fully employed.
The bathrooms were fully-stocked and cleaner than any I've experienced at sporting stadiums in the U. S.
The source speculated that consumers had fully de-stocked and were in need of some volume to begin the year.