Journeymen knew that if they perfected their skill, they could become respected master artisans with their own shops.
As master craft workers, they imparted the knowledge of their trades to apprentices and journeymen.
In the world of software development, we are all journeymen.
The wages of both servants and journeymen frequently sink in dear years.
The agriculture and forestry and fishery workers and journeymen were most.
Hitherto, genetic modification has been the work of apprentices and journeymen.
At the Barriere du Maine there are marble-workers, painters, and journeymen in the studios of sculptors.
The market, presumably, favoured those journeymen within a workshop who made more powerful instruments.
We are fortunate to discover the richness and mystery of life endemic to seniors, society's well traveled journeymen, through their stories.
We think we've assembled a lineup of speakers that are great examples for our community to follow, ranging from masters like Fred George to journeymen like Cory Foy.
我们认为我们已经召集了一个强大的发言者阵容,既涵盖了像Fred George这样的大师级专家,也包括像Cory Foy这样技艺纯熟的人,他们都是我们社区学习的榜样。
As you probably know, many of the world's great paintings were done by teams: the master did the design and painted key parts; the remainder was assigned to journeymen and apprentices.