The time soon came for the bride to toss her bouquet to the “single ladies.”
Wish all my single ladies and I can find our soulmate as soon as possible to end the loneliness!
There is a huge number of single ladies in Novgorod and each of them dreams of a perfect man. So, these are their stories.
Miami has a spicy nightlife, says, there are more single ladies thanmen and the cost of living is relatively inexpensive.
介绍说迈阿密的夜生活相当奔放。 这里的单身女士比男人多而且生活成本相对低廉。
A recent survey of over 35, 500 single ladies in China offers some insight into Chinese women's attitudes towards men and marriage.
A new survey out of China claims that all the single ladies—and men—are subject to psychological and physical hazards as a result of their crippling loneliness.
By switching their lights on or off, 24 single, attractive ladies decide the fate of a bachelor.
Do the Two fat Ladies say, 'And if you want to have a low-fat version of this recipe you can use single cream'?
照《两个胖女士》(the Two Fat Ladies)说的做,“如果你要低脂食谱,就该用稀奶油!”
She says, Sir, that she'll have no gentlemen; they need not trouble themselves to come near her; nor, he added, with difficulty suppressing a titter, any ladies either, except the young, and single.
Despite the big sides, I want to ask all the ladies who are still single there. Do you really want to have a girly husband in the future?
The ladies' loos9) at Thomson Reuters10) could sleep 16 single people if you knocked out some of the sinks.
That's right, the Pope is coming to America this week, and ladies: he's single!
Although he is single, Cooper said he doesn't see himself as a ladies man.