In Listing 4, firstname is a string that is specified at runtime.
Listing 2 shows the equivalent code that will be generated for the firstName field.
To see the list of contacts sorted by first name, click the Sort by Firstname button.
为查看按名字排序的联系人列表,单击 Sort by Firstname 按钮。
For example, the name firstName might have been given accidentally to two JTextFields.
So, our next goal is to add a user input form that asks for firstname, lastname, and age.
So to get the value of firstName, invoke the first method (firstName) shown in Listing 2.
In this case, the user can search on "Lastname", "Firstname", "Title", "City", and "Country".
In other words, an opening firstName element is never closed or an opening Angle bracket is missing.
This method simply returns the firstName and lastName fields, concatenated with a space in between.
So if you property is named "FirstName", there will be a matching private field called "_firstname".
所以,如果属性名为“FirstName”,那么对应的私有字段名为“_ FirstName”。
In this example we added a new attribute, fullname, and removed two existing attributes, firstname and lastname.
For each Author instance, the firstName should be set to the value of the first attribute on the name element.
Parameters that represent fields to update, such as firstname, must match the name of DataField property of a grid column.
A dynamic SDO containing three properties (firstName, lastName, and greeting) is returned to the JSP to display to the user.
The entity bean is a very simple example, named Person, which has attributes firstName and lastName, and a key field named id.
Listing 1 shows how to code the high-level actions enter the text "Luke" in the firstName text field and click the "ok" button.
If you wonder why I didn't nest firstName, lastName, and title elements within the name element, read the last paragraph again.
In Listing 8, you are passing the values of firstname, lastname, and office from the Employee bean into the transform statement.
在清单8中,把firstname、lastname和office的值从Employee bean传递给转换语句。
Note that sorting by $artist/lastName before $artist/firstName is redundant, since the results all have the same last name value.
请注意,首先按 $artist/lastName 然后按 $artist/firstName 排序没有必要,因为结果中的姓氏都一样。
We must therefore define some kind of standard for storing names; storing firstname and surname separately, in uppercase perhaps.
The XML document is shredded, and each bound-out column (title, publisher, firstname, lastname) is converted to the database code page.
This will open a dialog box that you can use to connect the Text property to the ehEmployee[0]'s FirstName field, as shown in Figure 7.
这将打开一个对话框,可以用该对话框将 Text 属性连接到 ehEmployee[0] 的 FirstName 字段,如图 7 中所示。
For example, the fname attribute in raj.vo.Person corresponds to the FirstName field in the Person form in the backend Domino database.
例如,raj . vo . Person中的fname属性与后端Domino数据库中Person表单中的FirstName字段对应。
The compiler in this case will bark loud and long because I've tried to introduce a new set of methods (firstName, lastName, and age) onto my Student class.
In fact, most of the documents that do use camel-case naming, like firstName, are authored by programmers, rather than XML-centric developers or data managers.
实际上,在大多数由程序员(而不是XML开发人员或数据管理员)编写的文档中,往往使用驼峰式(camel - case)命名法,比如firstName。
Normally, variables are best named by their use (like firstName or title), but as this variable is essentially a loop counter, using single letters is also fine.
变量一般最好根据用途命名(如 firstName 或r title),不过由于这个变量基本上是一个循环计数器,也可使用单个字母。
First a new XML document is created, passing in the XML information, and then the FirstName element is retrieved with the call to doc.root.elements [" FirstName "].
首先创建一个新的XML文档,传入XML信息,然后调用doc . root . elements [“ FirstName ”]检索FirstName元素。
In the previous example, the query is looking for all Person types where the firstName field is equal to "Brian," and the lastName and age fields are effectively ignored.
As a result, the directory catalog is very small in size, but can only be sorted by firstname or lastname, which must be designated when creating the directory catalog.