As the ball lands in the vase, the elephant driver moves and makes a sound.
Of course it makes a sound!
The whistle makes a sound because you blow into it.
Whoever makes a sound will be immediately executed.
When your baby makes a sound, imitate it and continue with this back and forth, like a conversation.
The app makes a sound when a new IM appears, or a buzz if the screen is locked but the app is running.
It is always man who makes a big fuss with a big noise at the turning of the year. Time passes elegantly and quietly, never makes a sound.
The teaching of Col or makes a sound color-shaping foundation, and that of Color Constitution makest he use and design of color more charmful.
And what the artistic value is highest is the art song, and these art song until today, no matter what has own unique artistic charm, Sings frequently makes a sound in each big stage.
When I make a clicking sound, it makes sound waves.
Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as "steering the economy to a soft landing" or "a touch on the brakes", makes it sound like a precise science.
When you want to enjoy the surround sound effects, someone begins to enjoy their drinks and popcorn and thus makes a lot of noises.
"The vuvuzela is a tradition in South Africa, it makes a happy sound," she said.
The textured pad feels wonderful and makes a satisfying low-pitched sound when you press it — one of our favorite details.
The pipe, which can be dropped from 40, 000 feet and tracked for 200 miles, makes a whoosh on its descent, reminding me of the sound of those old pneumatic tubes in department stores.
纸板管被从40 000英尺高空投下,可跟踪200英里,它嗖嗖地飞速移动,让我想起了百货商店里老旧气压管道的声音。
The number of vibrations an object makes while it's making a sound is called its frequency, which is measured in Hertz.
"The vuvuzela is a tradition in South Africa it makes a happy sound" she said.
Investors are recognizing social networking as the next major wave of Internet companies, he says. he also notes that one no longer rings the NYSE bell, one pushes a button that makes a bell sound.
Money makes it easier to live in a safe area, to have nutritious diet, and to get a sound education.
The concept relies on the fact that the ear not only senses sound but also makes noises of its own, albeit at a level only detectable by supersensitive microphones.
A tiny feathered "thumb," the alula, improves flight control. The protruding shaft on the first wing feather makes a loud, rustling sound—adding acoustics to the visual display.
I thought maybe it was just my cat playing with one of my feather pens until I heard a pop, like the sound a champagne bottle makes when the cork pops out.
In Finnish, exceptionally, each letter makes a single logical sound and there are no irregular words.
It may sound strange, but it makes a world of difference.
He tramps the full length of London’s ghastly Oxford Street six times in a day, and makes it sound enjoyable and interesting.
This is my little secret. It's a secret because it sounds like magic fairy dust and flying unicorns, and generally makes me sound crazy.