Books became holy objects or talismans.
Books are not seldom talismans and spells.
They would decapitate their enemies and keep them as talismans.
Rabbit feet as talismans may hark back to early Celtic tribes in Britain.
Salespeople keep lucky talismans on their desks to help make their Numbers.
Once you have these you can go on to evocation rituals, talismans , and invocations.
There was a custom of assigning various saints with a specific gem for use in talismans .
Special doll-shaped talismans were placed at the side of sleeping children to ensure their safety.
In some region, a grain measure and a string of copper coins were laid out as talismans of prosperity.
Bull's head the ancient Etruscans put great store in talismans engraved with representations of the head of a bull.
Use your matching skills to unlock 8 mighty talismans and unleash their powerful help as you make your way to the mysterious temple.
Talismans of buyers' remorse, impulse decision-making and reimbursement migraine, receipts are bothersome to file and even worse to lose.
它们令采购者自责不已,因为它们是冲动性购物的见证;同时,它们更是繁琐的报销流程中必不可少的内容。 但是,将收据归档保存却是件棘手的麻烦事,如果不慎遗失,情形还会更糟糕。
People forever have wished for fortune, wealth, health, happiness and so on and by wearing talismans such as this they can inspire that fortune.
Meanwhile, Massie is keenly aware of his own good fortune – and not only at being born with the genetic talismans that have protected him from HIV.
Pendant: Ornament suspended from a Bracelet, earring, or necklace and derived from the primitive practice of wearing amulets or talismans around the neck.
悬饰: 垂吊在手镯、耳环或项链上的饰物,源自原始人类把护身符或辟邪物环挂在脖子上的习俗。
Archeologists have unearthed thousands of phallic statues and talismans created by early civilizations throughout the world, celebrating fertility and manhood.
People preserve COINS as keepsakes, memorials, even talismans, such as the 'lucky' quarter tucked away in a drawer or the silver dollar minted in a birth year.
They come into our living rooms every night, plying us with insight and confession; we know the prayers they say and the beer they drink, their tics, their tastes, their talismans.