1 词典释义:
win upon
时间: 2025-03-03 09:54:36


  • What it needs, in short, are the boring, quiet innovations that dynamic industries depend upon, but which, alas, do not win prizes.


  • The role of the state, according to Hobhouse, is to "secure [the] conditions upon which its citizens are able to win by their own efforts all that is necessary to a full civic efficiency".


  • We are pleased that there is finally another competitive game upon us and of course want to win, "said Bierhoff."

    当终于又有一项竞赛在我们面前时我们感到十分兴奋,当然我们想要获胜' '比埃尔·霍夫说到。

  • This is very useful, because you can pile things upon the object of your affections and win romance points without expending any additional effort or thought.


  • He then called upon two young dukes, Frederick and Matthew, who had the nearest claims to the throne. The king told them, “Whichever of you brings me the finest gift will win my kingdom.


  • History shows that any arrangement imposed upon the Afghan people will not win the trust of the Afghan people and will end up in failure.


  • The companies involved suffer little harm to their reputation and, in some instances, may actually win praise from customers who feel their concerns have been acted upon promptly.


  • "The influence that the Middle Kingdom now bears upon Burma is unprecedented and unchallenged," Mr. Khin Zaw Win said.

    “中王国现在对缅甸施加的影响力是空前的且不可回避的。”Khin Zaw Win说。

  • Products upon the launch of best-selling throughout the country continued to win acclaim users.


  • Loveable but awkward Mark stumbles upon his dream come true when he runs into his old high-school crush, Katie, and becomes her new roommate in an attempt to finally win her heart.


  • And at Anfield we inflicted upon Real Madrid their biggest ever Champions League defeat as we went goal crazy with a 4-0 win.


  • On the sixth day, people make wishes for "ma dao cheng gong", win success immediately upon arrival.


  • Win a lottery? Had a great hand at the casino? Did fortune shine upon you in the stock market?


  • Jeremiah must progress through 30 + devilish levels to reverse the curse that Satan has bestowed upon him and win back his true love.

    耶利米必须经历30 +恶魔水平扭转撒旦授予了他,赢回他的真实的爱的诅咒。

  • Curry's Numbers were modest at best but he contributed when called upon and he's part of the first USA team to win the tourney since 1994.


  • All professional players who enter the last 2 rounds will win the bonus corresponding with their position upon the tournament completion.

