The tags should be familiar to HTML developers.
Other UI features will be familiar to OS X users.
The following should be familiar to Rails developers.
Rails 开发人员应该熟悉下面的代码。
Most of the operations in Listing 6 will be familiar to you.
My argument had a logic that will be familiar to economists.
The main declaration should be familiar to any C programmer.
C 程序员应当熟悉 main 声明。
This XML parser should be familiar to anyone who knows SAX parsing.
This may be familiar to those that have used home screen replacements.
The first couple of lines should be familiar to anyone who has used Ajax.
Part of his argument will be familiar to anyone who follows the financial news.
The story of a mother searching for her child will be familiar to many in Iran.
Ragworms will be familiar to anyone with a childhood interest in sea-shore life.
Most of this should be familiar to you from the previous sections of this article.
清单 6 中的大部分内容已在本文前面的小节中出现过。
This view will be familiar to anyone who has studied or worked at abusiness school.
These principles should be familiar to RUP practitioners as well as devoted "agilistas."
XSLTLink should be familiar to regular readers: It is one of the main entry points into XI.
A sample domain model is used throughout this article, which might be familiar to some readers.
This rule (and some of the others that follow) will be familiar to long-time Zen Habits readers.
Regular expressions should be familiar to most programmers who have ever used a Unix-like system.
对于大多数曾经使用过类 Unix 系统的程序设计人员来说应该熟悉正则表达式。
The latter range may be familiar to those using automatically assigned addresses in local networks.
Most aspects of this query should be familiar to you by now, so concentrate on the conditional logic.
Most of the query should be familiar to you, so this section just concentrates on its final four lines.
The configuration should be familiar to you based on the examples in the discussion of security filters.
根据 安全过滤器的讨论 中的示例,您应该很熟悉这些配置。
If you have read the previous articles in this series, then this will be familiar to you (see Resources).
Whatever platform you're on, the Web browser's native buttons and text widgets will be familiar to the user.
The Edge UI follows the same principles as the other Adobe tools, so it will be familiar to Flash developers.
Edge UI遵循和其他Adobe工具一样的原则,因此Flash开发人员不会感到陌生。
The idea of a powered, artificial exoskeleton will be familiar to cinema-goers from films such as "Aliens" and "Avatar".
This is a much more logical arrangement than in XHTML 1.0, and will be familiar to users of many other markup vocabularies.
与XHTML 1.0相比,这种安排更符合逻辑,其他很多标记词汇表的用户对此也很熟悉。